Munters comdry m170l User Manual Download Page 42

ComDry M160L

10 Technical specification

10.1 Dimensions and service space









y M160L



Figure 10.1 Dimensions, ComDry M160L

1. Process air inlet

2. Dry air outlet

3. Cooling air








(Dry air)


Drain hose








445 mm

270 mm

555 mm

100 mm

12.5 mm

350 mm

500 mm

17 kg

Table 10.1 Dimensions and weight


Technical specification


Summary of Contents for comdry m170l

Page 1: ...Original instructions Usermanual ComDryM160L Desiccantdehumidifier 190TEN 1098 D1404 MuntersEuropeAB2014 ...

Page 2: ... describedinsectionServiceandmaintenance Theservice andmaintenancemustbedocumentedforthewarranty tobevalid Safety Informationaboutdangersareinthismanualindicated bythecommonhazardsymbol W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Indicatesa possibledangerthatcanleadtopersonalinjury CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Indicatesa possibledangerthatcanleadtodamagetothe unitorotherproperty orcauseenvironmentaldamage NOTE Highlig...

Page 3: ...6 4 Stop the dehumidifier 16 6 5 Emergency 16 6 6 Automaticstart afterpower failure 16 6 7 Navigate themenus 17 6 8 Access thecontrol system 18 6 9 Change the system settings 19 6 10 Reset analarm 20 6 11 Reset thecounters 21 6 12 Service interval alarm 22 6 13 Restore the default settings 23 6 14 Access levels 23 7 Menusandparameters 24 7 1 Humidity 24 7 1 1 Internal controlling sensor 25 7 1 2 E...

Page 4: ...ier is placed in a building with radon it is necessary to contact anexpert to secure the best overall solution Allchanges affecting the ventilation orthe pressurebalance in the building can result in a changed concentration of radon CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Do not sit stand orplace any objects onthe unit 1 3 Safety Everymeasurehasbeentakeninthedesignandmanufactureofthedehumidifiertoensurethatitme...

Page 5: ...ther mains voltage than specified onthe identification plate Do not operate the unit if the power plug orcordis damaged riskof electrical shock Do not pull the plug with wet hands riskof electrical shock Do not insert fingers orany other objects into the airvents rotating fans are inside Do not cover the unit as that can block airintake oroutlet and cause a fire If the unit has overturned cut the ...

Page 6: ...Dry M160L 0 0 230V 50 60 Hz Made in Sweden Munters Europe AB Isafjordsgatan 1 164 26 Kista Sweden Weight 17 kg IP33 0 84 kW RoHS M Figure1 2Identificationplate anexample Explanationof Fabr No ontheidentificationplate 10 Yearofmanufacture 15 Weekofmanufacture 170XXX Articlenumber XXXXX Serialnumber 3 Introduction 190TEN 1098 D1404 ...

Page 7: theincomingair alwaysmeetsadryzoneontherotor thuscreatingacontinuousdehumidificationprocess Theairflowthatisusedtodrytherotor reactivationair isheated Thereactivationairpassesthrough therotorintheoppositedirectiontotheprocessairandleavestherotoraswetair warmhumidair The wetairre circulatesthroughacondenserthatcoolsdowntheairtocondensethewaterusingapartofthe processair Thecondensedwaterisdischar...

Page 8: ...ncludedandnothingisdamaged 2 ContactMuntersimmediatelyifthedeliveryisnotcompleteinordertoavoidinstallationdelays 3 Iftheunitistobeputintostoragepriortoinstallation seesectionStoringtheequipment 4 Removeallpackagingmaterialfromtheunit andmakesurethatnodamagehasoccurredduring transportation 5 AnyvisibledamagemustbereportedinwritingtoMunterswithin5daysandpriortoinstallationof theunit 6 Disposeofthepa...

Page 9: ...cure the best overall solution Allchanges affecting the ventilation orthe pressurebalance in the building can result in a changed concentration of radon 4 2 Closedsystem Thedehumidifierisplacedinthespacetobedehumidified Toensurethatthedryairisdistributedevenly inthespacetobedehumidifiedaductingcanbeconnectedtothedryairoutletofthedehumidifier The condensedwaterisdrainedthroughahose Aclosedsystemisp...

Page 10: ...dspace object 2 1 3 Com Dr y M 160L Figure4 2 Opensystemprinciple 1 Process Reactivationair 2 DryAir 3 Condensedwater 4 4 Siterequirements Thedehumidifierisonlyintendedforindoorinstallation Avoidinstallingthedehumidifierinadamp environmentwherethereisariskofwaterenteringtheunitorinaverydustyenvironment Ifindoubt seekadvicefromMunters Itisimportantthattheintendedinstallationsitemeetsthelocationands...

Page 11: ... Laydownthedehumidifier 1 2 Figure4 3 Figure4 4 6 InserttheO ring 1 intothedrainpipesleeve 2 PresstheO ringsoitisproperlyseatedinthegroove seeFigure4 3 7 Pushthedrainpipeontothedrainconnectionofthetray seeFigure4 4 8 Fastenthedrainpipewiththetwoenclosedscrews 9 Therearetwoslotsintheshelfenablingalashingstraptobemountedifthedehumidifieristobefixed byastrap 10 Alternativelythefourfeetcanbelockedsimp...

Page 12: ...ustbeairtightandvapourtighttoensurefullperformance Thetotalresistanceintheductworkmustnotexceedtheperformanceratingofthefansfittedinthe dehumidifier NOTE Maximumlength of dryairhose is 25metres 4 7 Connectingthedrainhose Beforeconnectingthedrainhosethedehumidifiermustbemountedonthewallusingtheenclosedwall bracket Theminimumdistancebetweenthebottomofthedehumidifierandtheflooris25cm Figure4 5Drainho...

Page 13: ...pperpartoftheunit CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Do not connect the unit to other mains voltage than specified onthe unit s identification plate Themainsfrequencycanbeadjusted seeTable7 5 NOTE In case of a fixed installation where the plug is replaced by a circuit breaker check that the fuse rating in the circuit breakeris correct 190TEN 1098 D1404 Installation 10 ...

Page 14: ...puternetwork AllComDrydehumidifiersareequippedwithtwoCANBUSports locatedbehindacovernexttothe applianceinlet Anindoorremotecontrol externalhumidity temperaturesensorsoranexternalsignalbox canbeconnectedtotheseCANBUSports Itdoesnotmatterwhichoftheabovedeviceswillbeconnected towhichport Whennoportisusedthetwoemptyterminationplugsmustbefittedtotheports Figure4 6Removethecover Figure4 7 2CANBUSportswi...

Page 15: ...saneedtoconnectaninletductorhosetothedehumidifier RemoteControlmakesitpossibletocontroltheunitfromdistance deliveredwitha10metrecable Externalsignalbox isusedwhenthereisaneedtoconnecttoanexternalcontrolsystem RemoteRH Tsensorforexternalmeasuringofhumidityandtemperature WallBracket StubPipeKit kWh C fX RemoteControl Externalsignalbox RemoteRH Tsensor 190TEN 1098 D1404 Installation 12 ...

Page 16: ... 6 1 Humiditymenu 4 Temperaturemenu A Alarmindicator 2 Timemenu 5 Functionsmenu B Operationindicator 3 Powermenu 6 Alarmmenu C On Offbutton Menubutton Function Up Rightbutton Enter Confirmationbutton Down Leftbutton Table5 1Menubuttonfunctions 13 Controlpaneloverview 190TEN 1098 D1404 ...

Page 17: ...hetemperaturesbeforeandafterthe heater aswellasinthewetairaftertherotor Ahighsafetylevelisobtainedbyvarioustemperaturesensors Toohightemperaturesgivesareductionoftheheaterpower whileexcessivetemperatureswillmakethe systemissueanalarmandshutthedehumidifierdowninacontrolledway Forfurtherexplanation see 7 1 Humidityand7 5 Functions NOTE Thedehumidifier always operates in automatic mode moisturebased ...

Page 18: ...nish thebooting before attempting to start the dehumidifier 6 3 2 Startthedehumidifier Followthesestepstostartthedehumidifier Step Action Illustration 1 PresstheOn Offbutton C oncetostartthedehumidifier Result If themeasuredhumidityislowerthantheSetValue thegreenoperatingindicator B willstarttoflash ina long on shortoffsequence Dependingon fanmodesetting the processfanwillrunornot Theunit isnowins...

Page 19: ... continuestorunfora whileinordertocooldownand thenstops 6 5 Emergency CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Only quick stop the dehumidifier in the case of anemergency Thefan stops and theheater can bevery hot which can result in damage to the heater and other components close to it Incaseofemergency stopthedehumidifierbypullingthemainsplugor ifitispermanentlyconnected tomains byusingtheexternalswitch 6 6 Aut...

Page 20: ...heselectedmenuappears Theselectedmenuindicatorislit 2 To enterthemenu press Themenuindicatorstarts flashing fX 3 Use or toscrollthroughthemenu 4 Leavethemenuby using andgo to EXIT Press Themenuindicatorstops flashing NOTE Allmenu lists arecircular Atthe end of each menu you will find EXIT Thequickest way of navigating there is to press one timeafter having entered a menu 17 Operation 190TEN 1098 D...

Page 21: ...elexists If an attempt togethigheraccessismadewiththemachineswitchedoff thedisplaywill changeto 0 0 0 0 Press fourtimesuntil ACCESS isvisibleagain NOTE Thesystem will returnto locked mode automatically after five minutes without any activity NOTE Thesystem always starts in locked mode after power up orpower failure regardlessof access level priorto unplugging the unit Followthesestepstoforcethesys...

Page 22: ... or 2 Press Thesettingstartstoflash 3 Changethevaluewith and 4 Confirmthenewsettingwith Thesettingstopstoflash NOTE If the new setting is not confirmedwithin 30seconds the display changes back to the old setting NOTE Read only values arenot changeable They will not start to flash if is pressed regardlessof access level To find out if a parameteris changeable orread only see section 7 Menus and par...

Page 23: 2 Wait untilthedehumidifierhas stopped Press Thedisplaychangesto RstNO and NO isflashing C fX kWh fX Rst NO 3 Toggle NO to YES by pressingeither or Confirmbypressing Whenthealarmhasbeenreset themenu systemreturnstoitsstartposition NOTE If the cause of an alarmis still present the alarmmight bere issued after resetting even if the dehumidifier is stopped 190TEN 1098 D1404 Operation 20 ...

Page 24: ...vigatethemenus 2 Press Thedisplaychangesto RstNO and NO isflashing C fX kWh fX Rst NO 3 Toggle NO to YES by pressingeither or NOTE If Rst NO Rst YES is left without action for30 seconds the display automatically changes back to thestored counter value 4 Confirmtheresettingwith Thecounterisreset NOTE PressingENTERwhen the display shows Rst NO will returnthe stored counter value in the display again...

Page 25: ...rval has been adjusted TheTimetoservicecounter Sxxxxh countsdowntozero Whenitreacheszero thesystemissuesa soft alarm thenexttimetheunitisswitchedon Thealarmonlymakesthealarmmenusymbolflash notthe redalarmindicator and TIMEFORSERVICE isshowninthedisplay Thealarmwillnotmaketheunit stop Theunitcanstillbeoperatedasnormalwiththealarmpresent Followthesestepstochecktheserviceparametersandstoptheserviceal...

Page 26: ...fX Rst NO 3 Toggle NO to YES by pressing either or 4 Confirmby pressing Allvaluesrevertstofactorysettings 6 14 Accesslevels Thefollowingaccesslevelsandactionsareavailableinthecontrolsystem Accesslevel Availableactions Comment ACCESS Viewallprocessingdata ACCESS Viewallprocessingdata Adjustrelevantparameters fanspeed set valueRH reseth orkWhetc ACCESS Level2 isfordedicatedpersonnelonly qualifiedper...

Page 27: ...willstarttodehumidifyagain whenthehumidityisequalto orgreaterthantheSetValue Typeofhumiditycontrol relativehumidity dewpointorabsolutehumidity andunitsystem metricor imperial governsthereadingsandsettingsinthismenu See7 5 Functionsforreferenceandexplanation ThistableshowsthedisplayviewsandpossiblesettingsoftheHumiditymenu Displayview Description Type Settingoption C fX kWh fX RH1 49 Internal senso...

Page 28: ...ywillautomaticallybedesignated RH2 D2 X2 and RH3 D3 X3 bythesystem numbertwobeingthefirstconnectedinthechain Whenconnected itispossibletochooseoneoftheexternalsensorsascontrol Thedisplaywillthenshow RH D X2 or RH D X3 Withanexternalsensorsetascontrolsensor itispossibletodisconnectandreconnecttheexternal sensor swithoutlosingthecontrolsetting e g RH2 whiletheunitisswitchedoff butpowered Whenswitche...

Page 29: ... ThistableshowsthedisplayviewsandtypeofinformationoftheTimemenu Displayview Description Type Settingoption fX kWh fX 261 h C C Run timetripmeter RESETTABLE Yes No fX kWh fX 341 h C C Totalruntime Displayjumps from TOTAL to display view and back READONLY fX kWh fX S 3999 h C C Timeto service RESETTABLE Yes No fX kWh fX T 4000 h C C Serviceinterval ADJUSTABLE Every100 hours Table7 2Timemenu 190TEN 1...

Page 30: ...Power W current A andvoltage V measurementsinthismenu NOTE Resetting is always performedmanually Unplugging the unit ora power failure will not reset the kWh counter ThistableshowsthedisplayviewsandtypeofinformationofthePowermenu Displayview Description Type Settingoption fX kWh fX 411 kWh C C kWh kWhcounter RESETTABLE Yes No fX kWh fX 887 W C C kWh Real timePower READONLY fX kWh fX 3 88 229 C C R...

Page 31: ...nlettemperature T1 ismeasured NOTE Thetemperature will be shown in Celsius metric SI orFahrenheit imperial IP depending onthe units setting in the Functions menu ThistableshowsthedisplayviewsandtypeofinformationoftheTemperaturemenu Displayview Description Type Settingoption fX kWh fX T1 28 C C C Processairinlet temperature internal sensor READONLY fX kWh fX T2 23 C C C Externalsensor 1 READONLY fX...

Page 32: ...on Type Settingoption fX kWh fX Wt 39 C C C Wet airtemperature READONLY fX kWh fX Ri 31 C C C Reactivation inlet temperature READONLY 1 Only if externalsensor isconnected Table7 4Temperaturemenu 29 Menusandparameters 190TEN 1098 D1404 ...

Page 33: ... ThisisrepeateduntilthehumidityreachestheSetValue whichwillmakethe dehumidificationstartagain FanDEM on DEMand In FanDEM onDEMand mode thefanwillstopwhenthedesiredhumidity SetValueminus Hysteresis isreached It willstartagainwhenthesensedhumidityisequalto orgreaterthantheSet Value Thisgivesinpracticea controlwithgreaterhysteresisthan FanINT dependingon thefollowing Whenthedehumidifierhas reachedthe...

Page 34: ...ocessfan speed ADJUSTABLE SpdHIGH NORM LOW fX kWh fX FAN ON C C Processfan running modes ADJUSTABLE Fan ON INT DEM fX kWh fX SI C C Metricorimperialunits ADJUSTABLE SI IP fX kWh fX RH C C Humidity ADJUSTABLE RH Dp Absolute humidity fX kWh fX ID999999 C C Unit serial no READONLY IDno fX kWh fX ACCESS C C ACCESSLevel ADJUSTABLE ACCESS 31 Menusandparameters 190TEN 1098 D1404 ...

Page 35: Settingoption fX kWh fX Default C C Restoreto default settings onlypossible when dehumidifierisOFF RESETTABLE Yes orNo fX kWh fX 50Hz C C Mainsfrequency ADJUSTABLE 50 or60 Hz Table7 5Functionsmenu 190TEN 1098 D1404 Menusandparameters 32 ...

Page 36: ...takeacoupleofminutes CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Do not unplug the dehumidifier while it is cooling down the underlying reason forthe alarmmight beoverheating ThistableshowsthedisplayviewsandtypeofinformationoftheAlarmmenu Displayview Description Type fX kWh fX HEATER C C Sourceof alarmin fulltext RESETTABLE fX kWh fX No Alarm C C Alarmstatus READONLY Table7 6Alarm menu 33 Menusandparameters 190TEN ...

Page 37: ...tyvalues 7 7 2 Servicetime Thistableshowstheminimum maximumanddefaultservicetimevalues Parameter Defaultsetting Max Min T 4000h servicetime 4000 8000 500 Table7 8Time min maxanddefaultservicetimevalues 7 7 3 Functions ThistableshowsthedefaultsettingsandsettingoptionsoftheFunctionsmenu Parameter Defaultsetting Options SpdNORM SpdNORM SpdHIGH SpdLOW FanON FanON FanINT FanDEM SI unit SI metricunits I...

Page 38: ...nand maintenanceproceduresaswellastherecommendedintervalsforunitsusedundernormaloperatingand environmentalconditions Iftheprocessaircontainsalotofdust preventativemaintenanceshouldbe performedatshorterintervalsthanthosespecifiedbelow Inspection maintenance Component 4000hours 6months 8000 hours 12months Processfilter Clean the filtercartridge Cleanthe filterhousing and replacethe filterif necessar...

Page 39: ...filterchange 1 Push the filterframe down Figure8 1 2 Pullthe filterholder outwards and remove it fromthe unit Figure8 2 3 Remove the old filter 4 Replace it with a new filter Figure8 3 190TEN 1098 D1404 Serviceandmaintenance 36 ...

Page 40: ...topped Thendisconnect the power supply Check that the filters hosesorducts arenot clogged To resetthe overtemperatureprotectionfuse the unitmust be disconnected fromthe mains and allowed to cool down If the alarmisreissuedafterthe unithascooleddown and the alarmhasbeenreset contactMunters SetValueRH istoo low in dry environment Check if low SetValueRHis necessary Adjustto higher value Alarmmessage...

Page 41: ...the measuredhumidity Loss of performance The dehumidifier isrunning but is not controlling the humidity Low reactivationairflow Check the filterand anyhoses orductsforleakageor blockage Theuseof a restrictingflange incombination with wall pipescancause too little reactivationairflow Table9 1Faulttracinglist 190TEN 1098 D1404 Faulttracing 38 ...

Page 42: ...igure10 1Dimensions ComDryM160L 1 Processairinlet 2 Dryairoutlet 3 Coolingair Width A Width B Height C Diameter Dryair Diameter Drainhose Service space F Service space G Weight 445 mm 270 mm 555 mm 100 mm 12 5mm 350 mm 500 mm 17 kg Table10 1Dimensionsandweight 39 Technicalspecification 190TEN 1098 D1404 ...

Page 43: ...ture processair C 2 Relative Humidity processair RH 3 Dehumidificationcapacity kg h moistureremoval kg hour 10 3 Fancurveprocessair ComD ry M160L High speed 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 B m h A Pa 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Figure10 3Fancurve Density 1 2 kg m3 A Staticpressure Pa B Airflow m3 hour 190TEN 1098 D1404 Technicalspecification 40 ...

Page 44: ...g processfan dBA 67 Electricalprotectionclass casing IP33 Electricalprotectionclass electricpanel IP54 Fan MotorWinding Insulation Class Class B DriveMotorWinding Insulation Class Class B Rotortype HPS AirfilterG3 articlenumber 150 012054 001 Environmentalconditions Operatingtemperature C 0 30 Maximuminstallation altitude above sealevel m 2000 Transportand storage temperature C 20 70 Totalpower vo...

Page 45: ...sbeenexposedtochemicalsthataredangeroustotheenvironmenttheriskmustbeassessed Thechemicalscanaccumulateintherotormaterial Takethenecessaryprecautionstocomplywith applicablelegalrequirementsandregulations W W WARNING ARNING ARNING If the rotoris to becut in pieces wear a suitable CEmarked face mask selected and fitted in accordance with the applicable safety standards to protect fromthe dust 190TEN ...

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Page 47: ...heersing munters nl www munters nl POLAND Munters Sp z o o Oddzial w Polsce AirTreatment ul Swietojanska 55 11 81 391 Gdynia Tel 48 58 305 35 17 dh munters pl www munters com pl SPAIN Munters Spain SA AirTreatment EuropaEpresarial Edificio Londres C Playa de Liencres 2 28230 Las Matas Madrid Tel 34 91 640 09 02 marketing munters es www munters es SWEDEN Munters Europe AB AirTreatment P O Box 1150 ...

Page 48: ...www munters com ...
