Air / Road Temp
System Pressures
Message Bar
Spinner Setting
Auger Setting
Spinner Control
Spreader Mode
Hot Buttons
Auger Control
Pre-Wet Control
Air and Road Temp – Temperatures will be displayed if
the vehicle is equipped with an IR temperature sensor.
Operation Totals – Material and Liquid usage will be
totaled in this box. Simply tap the box to reset.
Joystick Mode – This indicates the piece of equipment
the joystick is currently controlling.
Material Selection - Toggle the product selection button to
change granular materials.
System Pressures – The load and pump pressure are
displayed for diagnostic purposes
Message Bar – Error messages are displayed upon the
message bar. To clear these, simply press the message box.
Spinner Rate – Turn the Spinner control to increase or
decrease the rate (0-100%).
Wi-Fi – This indicates the strength of the Wi-Fi connection.
Hot Buttons – If applicable, buttons may be populated in
this location to control auxiliary pieces of equipment.
Liquid Rate – Turn the control to increase or decrease the
liquid rate.
Auger Rate – Turn the control to adjust the auger rate.
Spreader Mode – toggle to change between Manual or
Auto mode.
Initiating the Hydraulic System:
1. Start Ignition to power controller
2. (If installed) Engage PTO to initiate Hydraulics
3. Actuate appropriate function
Hydraulic System Shutdown:
1. Disengage the PTO
2. Turn the Ignition off
3. Controller will automatically power off after 10 second
Spreader Operation:
1. Press the “Spreader On – Off” Button
2. If applying liquid pre-wet, initiate by pressing the
middle knob
3. Select Mode of Operation
- Manual mode – The auger speed can be set from 0% to
100%. The controller will automatically revert to auto
mode if manual mode has been disabled through the
calibration menu
- Auto mode –In Auto, the auger speed will be proportional
to the vehicle speed for a constant (Lbs. / Mile) output.
Therefore, when the truck stops the spreader stops.
4. Using the rotary knobs, set the Auger, Spinner, and
pre-wet settings.
Blast – The “Blast” button engages the auger to the
maximum set output for a set time interval. If the button
is pressed during this time duration, it will cancel the
operation. Hold the button to continuously discharge
material at the max setting.
Pause – The “Pause” button disengages the spreader.
Simply push to pause the spreader operation and press
again to resume.
Warning Messages
Flashing Auger Settings – Indicates vehicle is at 0 MPH
while in Auto Mode.
Hot Oil – Stop equipment operation and report condition
to appropriate personnel.
Low Oil – Stop equipment operation and report condition
to appropriate personnel.
Cold Oil – When possible, engage motor function to allow
hydraulic oil to warm.
Open Circuit – A wire is disconnected. Report condition
to appropriate personnel.
Auger or Liquid Output Limited – Indicates the output
request is higher than the maximum trim setting.
Press the Auger or Spinner rotary knobs to cycle screens