MT2834MR6 Splitter Cable
Product Update
PN 82058420, Rev. A
When you use an MT2834MR6 modem, there is one RJ11 connector for each modem on the card.
To use MT2834MR6 modems, you need a special cable for the RS232 connectors. Three of these
cables ship with the MT2834MR6 modems. Each cable has one male DB25 connector on one end
and two female DB25 connectors on the other end.
RJ11 Jack
Modem A
Modem B
Modem C
Modem D
Modem E
Modem F
The MT2834MR6 Splitter Cable (also called the “Y Cable”) is shown below.
Figure 1. MT2834MR6 Splitter Cable