Operating and assembly instructions
Tank regulator combination
Type 110/111 - PS 25 bar
1. General
1.1 Information
2. Hazard warnings
2.1 Safety related terms
2.2 Safety advisory notice
2.3 Qualified personnel
2.4 Unauthorized alterations and spare parts
2.5 Permissible operating mode
2.6 Inadmissible operating mode
3. Handling
3.1 Transport
3.2 Storage
3.3 Handling prior assembly
4. Product specification
4.1 safety shut-off valve (OPSO)
4.2 Pressure regulator 1
4.3 Pressure Relief Valve (PRV)
4.4 Pressure regulator 2
4.5 Emergency supply (Type 111)
5. Connectors
5.1 Input connectors
5.2 Output connectors
6. Assembly
6.1 Information on hazards during installation,
operation and maintenance
6.2 Installation
6.3 Leak test
7. Operation
7.1 Initial commissioning
7.2 Decommissioning
7.3 Recommissioning
7.4 Fault clearance OPSO (SAV)
7.5 Maintenance
8. Cause and remedy of operating faults
8.1 Fault detection
8.2 Troubleshooting
9. Repairs
10. Warranty
11. Drawing
12. Technical specifications
1. General
Gas pressure regulators serve the purpose of reducing the
outlet pressure to a predetermined constant value regardless
of continuously changing flow rates and independently of
changing inlet pressures.
These operating and installation instructions provide the
information necessary to install and operate the container
regulator combination type 110/111 safely and in the
prescribed manner.
Should difficulties arise which cannot be solved by means of
the operating instructions, further information should be
obtained from the manufacturer.
These operating instructions comply with the relevant valid
regulations and technical codes of the Federal Republic of
Germany. When using the tank regulator combination type
110/111 outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the
operator or the person responsible for the design of the plant
must ensure that valid national regulations are observed. The
manufacturer reserves all rights to make technical
modifications and improvements at any time.
The use of these operating and assembly instructions
requires the user to be qualified as described in section 2.3
"Qualified personnel". The user must be instructed according
to the operating and assembly instructions. The operating and
assembly instructions must always be available at the place
of use of the plant.
1.1 Information
The tank regulator combination type 110/111 consists of a 1st
stage regulator and a 2nd stage regulator, which reduces the
unregulated pressure from the LPG tank to a fixed set outlet
pressure and keeps it constant. As safety equipment, an
overpressure safety shut-off valve (OPSO) and an
overpressure safety relief valve (PRV) are installed.
2. Hazard warnings
2.1 Safety related terms
The terms DANGER, CAUTION and NOTE are used in these
operating instructions to indicate special hazards or unusual
information that requires specification.
means that non-observance can
endanger life and/or cause considerable damage to
means that there is a risk of injury and/or
damage to property if not observed.
means that particular attention is drawn to
technical issues.
However, compliance with other transport, assembly,
operating and maintenance instructions and technical data
not specifically highlighted are equally essential in order to
avoid malfunctions which, in turn, may directly or indirectly
cause personal injury or damage to property.
2.2 Safety advisory notice
DANGER! Liquid gas
Highly flammable
Can cause explosions
Danger to persons through skin contact
2.3 Qualified personnel
All persons involved in the installation, commissioning,
operation, maintenance and servicing of this pressure
regulator must
be appropriately qualified (specialist
follow these operating instructions carefully
consider the instruction manual as part of
the product
keep the instructions for use throughout the
life of the product
pass on the manual to any subsequent
owner or user of the product
Danger of injury in case of insufficient qualification!
Improper handling can lead to considerable personal
injury and material damage.