Using MARC in Active Map Mode
MARC defaults to Active Map Mode from the factory and is indicated by the Save Map button appearing
grey. Active Map Mode will remain in effect until the Save Map button is used to save a map. This results in
the mode of operation moving from Active Map Mode to Fixed Map Mode.
Adding a new destination while in Active Map Mode.
Simply add the desired destination to an unused station button or reprogram an existing station button. Press
the desired station button until you hear the double-beep confirmation tone.
Saving a map (move to Fixed Map Mode)
Press and hold the Save Map button until you hear the double-beep confirmation tone. MARC will also
announce “Map saved”. It may take some time to save the map depending on the size of the map. If you press a
button during saving process, an audio cue will prompt “Saving map.”
Do not move the cart while the map is being saved, as MARC is not actively mapping during the Map Save
process. This will likely cause mapping errors and the appearance of a malfunctioning cart.
Once you save a current map, you will be in Fixed Map Mode.
Using MARC in Fixed Map Mode
Whenever a map is saved (Save Map icon is green as shown), MARC is in Fixed Map Mode. Fixed Map Mode
will remain in effect until the Save Map button is used to erase a map. This results in the mode of operation
moving from Fixed Map Mode to Active Map Mode.
Adding a new destination while in Fixed Map Mode.
If the desired destination is within the area that has been mapped, you can simply add it to an unused station
button or reprogram an existing station button. Press the desired station button till you hear the double-beep
confirmation tone.
To add a new point outside of the existing map, MARC will need to be reprogrammed by erasing the map
(moving to Active Map Mode) and remapping the area to include all desired locations and then saving the map
(moving to Fixed Map Mode) after the mapping of the entire area is complete.
Moving MARC outside of mapped area in Fixed Map Mode.
If MARC units are moved outside of the mapped area, the announcement “Outside mapped area” will be heard
repeatedly until MARC is back in the existing mapped area.
If MARC is moved outside of its mapped area while off, the announcement “Outside mapped area” will be heard
repeatedly until MARC is back in the existing mapped area while MARC is in a ready state.
Once MARC is moved back into the existing mapped area, it will become operational and the announcement
“Outside mapped area” will no longer be heard.