H-17800 Abandonment Plug
InstallatIon for D5 / DH5 DrIllIng MacHInes
1. Attach the machine adapter to the
D5 / DH5 then extend the boring bar
and attach the Boring Bar Adapter.
Reference Machine Stack Up
Reference Table at end of instructions
for stack up and part numbers.
2. Using the stem in the H-17800,
shut off flow to the tee by turning the
Operating Head clockwise until the
stem seats at the bottom of the tee.
3. Remove the Operating Head from
the stem.
4. Carefully remove the Cap ensuring
not to unseat the stem.
5. Attach Extracting Tool to H-17800
tee stem.
6. Install the Reducing Bushing onto
the tee.
7. Install the Control Valve onto
Reducing Bushing. Ensure Control
Valve is in open position for stem
8. Attach Machine Adapter to the
Control Valve.
9. Slowly advance boring bar until
boring bar adapter engages the
extracting tool and rotate counter-
clockwise. Once the Boring Bar
Adapter is fully threaded onto the
Extracting Tool, continue rotating
counter-clockwise until the stem is
disengaged from the tee.
10. Pull boring bar until stem clears
the Control Valve.
11. Close Control Valve and release
the pressure with the bypass valve
(only on H-10917).
I n s ta l l at I o n I n s t r u c t I o n s
12. Remove machine from Control
Valve. Remove stem, Extracting Tool,
and Boring Bar Adapter from machine.
SteM ReMovAl
Reliable Connections
Gas (North America)
[email protected] form 13899 – rev 07/18
operating Head
1. With the Machine Adapter still
connected to the D5 / DH5, extend the
boring bar and attach the Boring Bar
2. Attach Inserting Tool onto boring
bar. Then attach Completion Plug onto
Inserting Tool.
3. Attach Machine Adapter onto
Control Valve.
4. Shift the bypass valve on the
Control Valve (only on the H-10917) to
equalize the pressure on both sides.
5. Open Control Valve and ease
boring bar down until Completion Plug
engages treads of tee.
6. Thread Completion Plug into tee in
a clockwise rotation until plug is fully
engaged and sealed onto the surface
of the tee.
7. Turn boring bar in a counter-
clockwise direction to disengage
Boring Bar Adapter from Inserting Tool.
8. After Boring Bar Adapter is free
from Inserting Tool, pull the boring bar
and Inserting Tool past the Control
Valve and close it.
9. Using the bypass valve on the
Control Valve release the pressure.
10. The D5 / DH5 can be removed
from Control Valve.
11. Remove Control Valve and Hex
Bushing from tee.
12. Attach Abandonment Cap onto tee
over completion plug.
13. Weld abandonment cap to tee.
CoMPletion Plug inSeRtion