8.15.5 Engine coolant pump – Relief bore check
Components are moving or rotating.
Risk of crushing, danger of parts of the body being caught or pulled in!
• Operate the engine at low load only. Keep clear of the danger zone of the engine.
A high level of noise is produced when the engine is running.
Risk of hearing loss!
• Wear suitable hearing protection.
Engine coolant pump – Relief
bore check
Check relief bore for oil and coolant dis-
• Permissible coolant discharge: up to 10
drops per hour
• Permissible oil discharge: up to 5 drops
per hour
• If discharge exceeds the specified limits:
Contact Service.
If the relief bore is dirty, stop the engine
(→ Page 143) and disable engine start, ob-
serve general safety instructions for mainte-
nance and repair.
Clean relief bore with a wire.
250 | Coolant Circuit, General, High-Temperature Circuit | MS15039/01E 2018-11
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