SineWave Nexus™ Technical Reference Manual 380V - 600V
Form: SWN-TRM-E February 2020 REV. 001
Common Mode Assembly Connection
The type of power distribution transformer that is used in the system feeding the drive will determine
the recommended method for connecting the common mode assembly. The common mode
assembly can be connected in two different ways dependent upon the type of system it is used in.
NOTE: The recommended connection configuration for optimal performance is the DC Bus
Connected Configuration.
olidly Grounded or High Resistance Grounded WYE Systems
With a solidly grounded wye or high resistance grounded wye transformer secondary, we
recommend using the ground connected configuration, shown in Figure 5-6: Ground Connected
. The common mode assembly is connected in this configuration by default.
Floating WYE or Delta System
With a floating wye transformer secondary or with a delta transformer secondary, we recommend
using the DC Bus connected configuration, shown in Figure 5-5: DC Bus Connected Configuration
Note: Exotic delta transformer secondary schemes like corner grounded delta and high-leg delta are
also included in this category.
Systems in Which the Transformer or Grounding Details Are Unknown
If this information is not available, we recommend using the DC Bus Connected Configuration,
shown in Figure 5-5: DC Bus Connected Configuration
Converting from Ground Connected Configuration to DC Bus Connected Configuration
Changing the common mode assembly from the grounded config to the DC Bus connected config
can be done in two easy steps.
1. Move jumpers J1 and J2 from the ground connection terminal G to bottom side of terminals
3 and 4 respectively
2. Wire the top side of terminals 3 and 4 to the DC Bus in the drive.
Note: Recommended wire size for this connection is 12-14 AWG
Review the schematic prior to connecting unit in DC Bus Configuration.
Connecting the unit incorrectly could result in failure of drive and filter
When attempting to connect the filter to the DC Bus of the drive, please consult
drive manual/manufacturer for proper connection points. Failure to do so may
result in failure of drive or filter components.