MTD 44M Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 44M

Page 1: ...ystemis equippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws if any If a sparkarresteris used it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator In theStateof Californiathe aboveis r...

Page 2: ...NEW EQUIPMENT pleaselocatethe modelplateon the equipmentand copythe informationto the sample modelplate providedto the right Youcan locatethe model plateby standingat the operatingpositionand lookingd...

Page 3: ...5 O d_ o6 d_ o3 o 5 O9 C5 d_ O3 C _ o _D o _ E O _D C5 c_ 0 o3 c_ _ _ c _ _ i _i il Sight and hold this levelwith a verticaltree _ or a corner of a building I I __ or a fence post I I I fir_e repros _...

Page 4: ...anualandshould betrainedand supervisedby a parent Onlyresponsible individualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operationshould beallowedto usethis machine 4 Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equi...

Page 5: ...lowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbefore refueling 9 Neveroverfill fueltank Filltankto nomorethan Y2 inch belowbottomof filler neckto providefor fuelexpansion 10 Replacegasoline capandtightensecurel...

Page 6: ...the carriageboltis seatedproperlyin the handle Tightenstarknobsto secureupper handleto the lowerhandle 2 Followthesestepsto securethe handle a Removethe hairpinclipfromthe pivotrod Usinga pairof plier...

Page 7: ...her Adjustments Cutting Height An adjustingplateandthumbleverat each wheel providescuttingheightadjustment Eachlevermustbe movedto the samepositionto ensureanevencut 1 Pullthe leverout andawayfromthe...

Page 8: ...rsideof the upperhandleand is usedto engagethe drive Squeeze it againstthe upperhandleto engagethedrive release it to slowdownor stopmowerfrompropelling Cutting Height Adjustment Levers Oneadjustmentl...

Page 9: ...hers Figure4 2 Stepsto start mower _ ARNING if you strikeaforeign object stopthe engine Removewirefrom the spark plug thoroughly inspectmower for any damage and repair damage before restarting and ope...

Page 10: ...Tip mowersothat it restsonthe housing Keepthe sidewiththe air cleanerfacingup Hold mowerfirmly 3 Scrapeand cleanthe undersideof the deckwitha suitabletool Do notspraywithwater 4 Putthe mowerbackonits...

Page 11: ...Replacehex boltandtightenhex boltto torque 450 in Ibs rain 600 in Ibs max Toensuresafeoperationof yourmower periodically checkthe bladeboltfor correcttorque Changing the Belt 1 Removetwoshoulderscrew...

Page 12: Engine overheats I 1 Engineoil levellow 1 Fillcrankcasewithproperoil Occasional skips 1 Sparkpluggaptoo close 1 Adjustgapto 030 hesitates at high speed Idles oorl 1 Sparkpug foued fau ty or gap 1 R...

Page 13: ...structions preventrusting 5 Storemowerina dry cleanarea Donot storenext to corrosivematerials suchas fertilizer Whenstoringanytypeof powerequipmentin a poorly ventilatedor metalstorageshed careshouldb...

Page 14: ...otoverfillfuel tank Filltankto approximately 2 cmbelowlowestportionof neckto allowfor fuel expansion Keepgasolineawayfromsparks openflames pilot lights heat andother ignitionsources Neverfuelequipment...

Page 15: ...cordslowlyuntil resis tanceisfelt then pullrapidly Removeall externalequipment engine loadsbefore startingengine Directcoupledequipmentcomponentssuchas but not limited to blades impellers pulleys spro...

Page 16: ...ut gaso line or oil inthe engine Running the enginewith insufficient oil can causeseriousenginedamage and void the enginewarranty Beforestartingengine fill withoil Donot over fill Oil capacityis about...

Page 17: ...or prolongedcontact with skin or breathing of vapor Check Fuel Level 1 Cleanaroundfuelfill beforeremovingcap to fuel 2 Filltankto approximately 1 inchbelowlowestportion of neckto allowfor fuelexpansio...

Page 18: ...cur first Morefrequentserviceis requiredwhenoperatingin adverseconditions Tasks Change Engine Oil Service Air Cleaner First5 hours v Service Spark Plug CleanFinger Guard Eachuseor every5 hours CleanAr...

Page 19: ...nt Allowtheelementto dry thoroughly Soakthe elementin cleanengineoil andsqueezeout theexcessoil The enginewill smokeduringinitial start upif too muchoil is left inthe foam 3 Paperelement Taptheelement...

Page 20: ...orage you mayneedto havethe carburetor andotherfuel systemcomponents servicedor replaced 1 Removeallfuel fromtankby runningengineuntil it stopsfromlackof fuel 2 Changeoil SeeOilChangesection 3 Removes...

Page 21: ...NOTES 21...

Page 22: ...Model 44M W I i S WaveTread BarTread 22...

Page 23: ...ption No 34 746 04299 ControlCaNe 48 35 710 0606 Screw 1 4 20x 1 50 36 731 05642 Trailshield 37 732 0700 TrailshieldWire 38 712 0397 Wing Nut 1 4 20 39 747 04587 RearDoorPivotRod 40 732 04175 SpringLe...

Page 24: ...Engine IP70 21 1 1 14 I 22 24...

Page 25: ...Complete 17 951 10342 MufflerStudAssembly 18 951 10364 FuelLineKit Inc hoses clamps filter 19 951 10358 FuelFilter 20 951 10300 FuelCapAssembly 21 951 10299 RecoilStarterAssembly 22 951 10298 Air Clea...

Page 26: ...f roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists The warranted repairsshouldbe completedin a reasonableamountof time notto exceed30 days If youhaveanyquestionsregarding your warra...

Page 27: ...dwithoutchargetothe owner Such usewill not reducethe warrantyobligationsof MTD 10 Add onormodifiedpartsthatarenot exemptedby theAir ResourcesBoardmaynot beused The useof anynon exempted add onor modif...

Page 28: ...ananauthorizedservice dealer d e f MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStates its possessions and territories exceptthosesoldthroughMTD sauthorized channelsof e...
