MTD 12A-44MC055 Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 12A-44MC055

Page 1: ...systemis equippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws if any If a sparkarresteris used it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator In theStateof Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResources Code Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws Federallawsapplyonfederallands A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthoriz...

Page 2: ...RNEW EQUIPMENT pleaselocatethe modelplateon the equipmentand copythe informationto the sample modelplate providedto the right Youcan locatethe model plateby standingat the operatingpositionand lookingdownat the rearof the deck This information will be necessaryto usethe manufacturer sweb site to obtainassistancefrom the CustomerSup port Department or whencontactingan authorized service dealer Mode...

Page 3: ... 5 O d_ o6 d_ o3 o 5 O9 C5 d_ O3 C _ o _D o _ E O _D C5 c_ 0 o3 c_ _ _ c _ _ i _i il Sight and hold this levelwith a verticaltree _ or a corner of a building I I __ or a fence post I I I fir_e repros _ _ er_ts a 15o 15 _0 ...

Page 4: ...manualandshould betrainedand supervisedby a parent Onlyresponsible individualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operationshould beallowedto usethis machine 4 Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to beused Removeall stones sticks wire bones toys andotherforeignobjects whichcouldbetrippedover or pickedupandthrownbythe blade Thrownobjects can causeseriouspersonalinjury Planyour mowingpa...

Page 5: ...llowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbefore refueling 9 Neveroverfill fueltank Filltankto nomorethan Y2 inch belowbottomof filler neckto providefor fuelexpansion 10 Replacegasoline capandtightensecurely 11 If gasolineis spilled wipe itoff theengineand equipment Moveunitto anotherarea Wait5 minutesbeforestarting engine 12 Neverstorethe machineorfuel containernearanopen flame sparkor pilot light as ...

Page 6: ...ethe carriageboltis seatedproperlyin the handle Tightenstarknobsto secureupper handleto the lowerhandle 2 Followthesestepsto securethe handle a Removethe hairpinclipfromthe pivotrod Usinga pairof pliers inserthairpinclip intothe otherhole onthe rod Repeaton otherside SeeFigure3 2 b Inserta carriagebolt fromthe hardwarepackinto the upperholeonthe handlemountingbracket Securewithone plasticwing nut ...

Page 7: ...cher Adjustments Cutting Height An adjustingplateandthumbleverat each wheel providescuttingheightadjustment Eachlevermustbe movedto the samepositionto ensureanevencut 1 Pullthe leverout andawayfromthe mower See Figure3 7 2 Movetheleverforwardor backfor desiredcutting height 3 Releaselevertowardsmowerdeck Figure3 5 Assemblethe grasscatcher if needed ustment WARNING nless the hooks on grass catcher ...

Page 8: ...ersideof the upperhandleand is usedto engagethe drive Squeeze it againstthe upperhandleto engagethedrive release it to slowdownor stopmowerfrompropelling Cutting Height Adjustment Levers Oneadjustmentleveris locatedat eachwheelandis usedto adjustthe cuttingheight All fourleversmustbe movedto the samepositionto ensurea uniformcut Recoil Starter The recoilstarteris attachedto the rightupperhandle St...

Page 9: ...ndothers Figure4 2 Stepsto start mower _ ARNING if you strikeaforeign object stopthe engine Removewirefrom the spark plug thoroughly inspectmower for any damage and repair damage before restarting and operating Extensive vibration of mowerduring operation is an indicationof damage The unit should be promptly inspectedand repaired 1 Oncethe engineis running squeezethedrive controlto propelmower For...

Page 10: ... Tip mowersothat it restsonthe housing Keepthe sidewiththe air cleanerfacingup Hold mowerfirmly 3 Scrapeand cleanthe undersideof the deckwitha suitabletool Do notspraywithwater 4 Putthe mowerbackonits wheelsonthe ground If youhad putplasticunderthe gas capearlier make sureto removeit now General Recommendations Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing anytypeof maintenance Thewarrantyon thislawnmow...

Page 11: ...e Replacehex boltandtightenhex boltto torque 450 in Ibs rain 600 in Ibs max Toensuresafeoperationof yourmower periodically checkthe bladeboltfor correcttorque Changing the Belt 1 Removetwoshoulderscrewssecuringfrontdrive coverto mowerdeck Referto Figure5 4 Press inwardonsidesof frontdrivecoverand releasetabs that secureitto the heightadjusterbrackets Remove drivecoverfrommower Loosenscrewholdingbe...

Page 12: Engine overheats I 1 Engineoil levellow 1 Fillcrankcasewithproperoil Occasional skips 1 Sparkpluggaptoo close 1 Adjustgapto 030 hesitates at high speed Idles oorl 1 Sparkpug foued fau ty or gap 1 Resetgapto 030 or repace P Y toowide sparkplug I 2 Dirty aircleaner 2 R _rotnO enginemantenance Excessive 1 Cuttingbladelooseor unbalanced 1 Tightenbladeandadapter Vibration Balanceblade 2 Bentcuttingb...

Page 13: ...nstructions preventrusting 5 Storemowerina dry cleanarea Donot storenext to corrosivematerials suchas fertilizer Whenstoringanytypeof powerequipmentin a poorly ventilatedor metalstorageshed careshouldbetaken to rust prooftheequipment Usinga lightoil or silicone coattheequipment especiallycablesandall moving partsof yourlawnmowerbeforestorage Safety Labels Found On Your Lawn Mower REPLACEIMMEDIATEL...

Page 14: ...notoverfillfuel tank Filltankto approximately 2 cmbelowlowestportionof neckto allowfor fuel expansion Keepgasolineawayfromsparks openflames pilot lights heat andother ignitionsources Neverfuelequipmentindoorsbecauseflammable vaporswill accumulate in the area Extinguishallcigarettes cigars pipes andother sourcesof ignition Checkfuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks Replaceif nec...

Page 15: ...lcordslowlyuntil resis tanceisfelt then pullrapidly Removeall externalequipment engine loadsbefore startingengine Directcoupledequipmentcomponentssuchas but not limited to blades impellers pulleys sprockets etc mustbesecurelyattached Safety Label Location Thislabelwarnsyouof potentialhazardsthat can causeseriousinjury Readit carefully Referto Figure 8 1for explanationof symbols If the labelcomesof...

Page 16: ...out gaso line or oil inthe engine Running the enginewith insufficient oil can causeseriousenginedamage and void the enginewarranty Beforestartingengine fill withoil Donot over fill Oil capacityis about20oz Usea 4 stroke oran equivalenthighdetergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobilemanufacturer s requirements for service classification SG SE Motoroils classifiedSG SF wil...

Page 17: ...dor prolongedcontact with skin or breathing of vapor Check Fuel Level 1 Cleanaroundfuelfill beforeremovingcap to fuel 2 Filltankto approximately 1 inchbelowlowestportion of neckto allowfor fuelexpansion Becarefulnot to overfill iMPORTANT Before refueling allow engineto cool 2 minutes Starting The Engine __1i WARNING Alwayskeep hands and feet clearof equipmentmoving parts Do not use a pressurizedst...

Page 18: ...ccur first Morefrequentserviceis requiredwhenoperatingin adverseconditions Tasks Change Engine Oil Service Air Cleaner First5 hours v Service Spark Plug CleanFinger Guard Eachuseor every5 hours CleanAround Muffler Everyseason or 25hours Everyseason or50 hours v Every season or 100hours v Service Dates 1 Servicemorefrequentlywhenusedindustyareas ff Ifoperatingunderheavyloador highambienttemperature...

Page 19: ...ent Allowtheelementto dry thoroughly Soakthe elementin cleanengineoil andsqueezeout theexcessoil The enginewill smokeduringinitial start upif too muchoil is left inthe foam 3 Paperelement Taptheelementlightlyseveraltimes ona hardsurfaceto removeexcessdirt or blow compressed air throughthe filterfromthe insideout Nevertry to brushthedirt off brushingwillforce dirt intothe fibers Replacethe paperele...

Page 20: ...torage you mayneedto havethe carburetor andotherfuel systemcomponents servicedor replaced 1 Removeallfuel fromtankby runningengineuntil it stopsfromlackof fuel 2 Changeoil SeeOilChangesection 3 Removesparkplugandpourabout1 2 anounceof engineoil intocylinder Replacesparkplugandcrank slowlyto distributeoil 4 Cleangrassanddebrisfromaroundengine under fingerguard and under aroundandbehindmuffler Touch...

Page 21: ...NOTES 21 ...

Page 22: ...Model 44M W I i S WaveTread BarTread 22 ...

Page 23: ...iption No 34 746 04299 ControlCaNe 48 35 710 0606 Screw 1 4 20x 1 50 36 731 05642 Trailshield 37 732 0700 TrailshieldWire 38 712 0397 Wing Nut 1 4 20 39 747 04587 RearDoorPivotRod 40 732 04175 SpringLever 41 687 02071A PivotArmAssembly RH 687 02070A PivotArmAssembly LH 42 710 1652 AB Screw 43 712 04065 FlangeLockNut 3 8 16 44 714 0104 HairpinClip 45 710 0654A TTSems Screw 3 8 16x 1 00 46 687 02193...

Page 24: ...Engine IP70 21 1 1 14 I 22 24 ...

Page 25: ...yComplete 17 951 10342 MufflerStudAssembly 18 951 10364 FuelLineKit Inc hoses clamps filter 19 951 10358 FuelFilter 20 951 10300 FuelCapAssembly 21 951 10299 RecoilStarterAssembly 22 951 10298 Air CleanerKit 23 951 10297 Air CleanerThumbScrew 24 951 10411 MufflerGuard 25 951 10403 Muffler 26 951 10402 MufflerGasket HeatShield 27 951 10387 GovernorReturnSpring 28 951 10292 SparkPlug 952Z1P70FU Engi...

Page 26: ...eneralEmissions WarrantyCoveracj _ MTDmustwarrantto the ultimatepurchaserandeachsubsequentpurchaserthatthe engineis 1 Designed built andequippedso as to conformwithallapplicableregulations adoptedbythe Air Resources Boardpursuantto itsauthorityin Chapters1and2 Part5 Division26 of the HealthandSafetyCode and 2 Freefromdefectsinmaterialsandworkmanship thatcausethe failureof a warrantedpartto be iden...

Page 27: ...d The useof anynon exempted add onor modifiedpartsshall begroundsfor disallowinga warrantyclaimmade inaccordancewiththisarticle The enginemanufacturer shall notbe liableunderthisarticleto warrantfailuresof warrantedpartscausedby the useof non exempted add onor modifiedpart c MTDwill includea copyof the followingemissionwarrantypartslistwitheach newengine usingthoseportionsof the listapplicableto t...

Page 28: ...hananauthorizedservice dealer d e f MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStates its possessions and territories exceptthosesoldthroughMTD sauthorized channelsof exportdistribution Replacement partsthatarenot genuineMTDparts Transportation chargesand servicecalls No impliedwarranty includingany impliedwarranty of merchant ability of fitness for a particularpur...
