User Manual - PolyXeta
2 Detector with HL Sensor
for Refrigerant Gases - May_2020
is a registered trademark of MSR
Made in Germany
Phone: +49 8531 9004-0 Fax: +49 8531 9004-54
Specification subject to change without notice
MSR-Electronic GmbH, Buergermeister-Schoenbauer-Str. 13, D 94060 Pocking
Procedure for Calibration with Tool or Display
Screw the calibration adapter onto the sensor head as far as it will go.
Open the calibration mode in the dialog.
Wait until warm-up time has finished (300s)
Zero calibration with tool or display:
Open the zero-calibration dialog.
Perform zero-point calibration (Display
Gain calibration with tool or display:
- Open the test gas dialog and enter the concentration of the test gas depending on gas type according
to table 10.2.
Open the gain calibration dialog.
Apply the test gas. Pressure 1000 hPa (1000 mbar) ± 10%, flow rate 500 ml/min
Perform the gain calibration.
Save the new values after successful gain calibration.
If the set test gas has not been reached in the display, an extended calibration must be carried out.
Extended Calibration:
Extended zero calibration
Apply the test gas, concentration depending on gas type according to table 10.2, pressure 1000 hPa
(1000 mBar) ± 10 %, flow rate 500 ml/min
The processor input voltage must be measured against ground at the test pin led out and if stable
(180 s), then set to 1650 mV using the potentiometer.
Stop and remove gassing and wait until the sensor has stabilized (wait at least
6 hours
- stable zero
Open the zero-calibration dialog.
Perform zero-point calibration (Display
Extended gain calibration:
- Open the test gas dialog and enter the concentration of the test gas used depending on gas type
according to table 10.2ppm.
Open the gain calibration dialog.
Apply the test gas. Pressure 1000 hPa (1000 mbar) ± 10%, flow rate 500 ml/min
Perform the gain calibration.
Save the new values after successful gain calibration.
It is required to document the successful calibration with a protocol and to attach a label to the detector
containing the date for the next calibration.
Please always apply the operating and maintenance instructions when repairing and replacing parts of the
gas warning device. For safety reasons replace parts only by original spare parts from the manufacturer.
Appropriate technical qualification is necessary for further repair work, which may only be carried out by the
manufacturer or by trained and authorized service partners.
The responsibility for proper operation and condition of the gas detection device after repair lies with the
technician who has done the work and/or with the entrepreneur.
After repair before restarting you have to check the function and the system depending on the type of repair.