Remote Start Kit for GM Trucks & SUV’s - Installation “Tip Sheet”
rev 1.3 1/12/2013
Thank you for purchasing your remote start from MyPushcart.com - an industry leader in providing
remote starts to do-it-yourself installers since 1999. We’ve put this tip sheet together to help you with
your installation. The purpose of this sheet is to help you organize your installation - not to replace
your installation manuals. You will still need to refer to those.
Two very important things before you get started:
Read the entire installation manual. There are several safety tips in there that you need to know
before you start
Avoid using a test light to probe wires. Test lights can set off air bags and damage ECU’s if you
probe the wrong wire. Your vehicle wiring chart will identify the correct wires that you’ll be
tapping on to in your car. If you must probe, use a digital multi-meter. They’re inexpensive and
won’t set off air bags or burn circuit boards.
Test, and re-test all the wires you are connecting to in your vehicle before you connect them.
Sometimes wire color may change or be slightly different than what is shown on the chart.
Don’t assume the chart is correct.
Your Kit Includes
ProStart PS4 remote car starter
idatalink ADS-DL bypass/interface module. The module has been pre-loaded with the correct
software for your vehicle
idatalink ADS-RNG-3 transponder ring
There are 5 basic steps to this remote start installation. We’re going to address each of these:
Install your accessories
Make your wiring connections for the remote start
Program the remote start and bypass
Test the system
Button it up!