Display UART Commands
In this appendix, we define the serial data format and serial communication protocol that engineers can use to
program the MD-219’s display. In particular, we explain how to use the display’s UART commands.
The following topics are covered in this appendix:
OSD Control Command
BRI (Brightness Minimum Value)
BRL (Set LED Brightness of Touch Keypad)
BRM (Brightness Maximum Value)
BRT (User Brightness Control)
BRU (Glass Display Control-Brightness Button)
BZZ (Buzzer Control)
DLN (Download ECDIS RGB File)
DL? (ECDIS RGB Package Query)
D2N (Download ECDIS RGB File (Second))
D2? (ECDIS RGB Package Query (Second))
ETC (Elapsed Time Counter Query)
GMB (Glass Display Control - Minimum Brightness)
POT (Potentiometer Control)
SWI (Scalar Firmware Version Query)
SWK (Touch Keypad Firmware Version Query)
ADF (AC Input Power Detect Function)
AD? (Query AC Input Power Detect Function Status)
DDF (DC Input Power Detect Function)
DD? (Query DC Input Power Detect Function Status)
BLI (Brightness Control)
DUF (Disable UART Command Function)
EMS (ECDIS Mode Select)
CT? (Current Temperature Query)
SS? (System Status Query)
MCC (OSD Control Command)