ioLogik R2110 Series User’s Manual
Configuring with ioAdmin
In Pulse Output mode, the selected digital output channel will generate a square wave as specified
in the pulse mode parameters. The Low and High parameters are in multiples of 10.0 ms, so a
setting of
for both Low and High would generate a square wave with a 2-second cycle in total
(Low wave is 100 x 10ms, or 1000 ms, and High wave is 100 x 10 ms, or 1000 ms, for a total of
2000 ms or 2 sec). The Output parameter configures the number of pulses to send. Setting it for 0
pulses tells the system to send an unlimited number of pulses. The maximum value for the Low
and High parameters is 65535, and the maximum value for the Output parameter is 2
You may also configure how the output pulse is handled when the ioLogik R2110 is powered on
or in safe status. If
is checked off in the Power On Settings, the output pulse will commence
as soon as the ioLogikR2110 is powered on. If
is checked off, the output pulse
will start or continue when the ioLogik R2110 switches to safe status as configured by the Host
Connection Watchdog.
About Power On Settings
ioAdmin allows you to configure the status or behavior of each DI/O channel when the ioLogik
R2110 is initially powered on. You can access this setting by double-clicking on any channel in
the I/O Status tab. For DI channels in Event Counter mode, you can configure whether or not
counting begins at power up. For DO channels in DO mode, you can configure whether or not the
DO is set to OFF or ON at power up. 0 4nyD[(DO)5(j5(N)-1( at)4( )6(po)4(wn( o)4(6(po)4(wn(2a-2( E)7(v)-2(e)8(n)7(v)13.98)4(n)-2( po)(in)-505)4(o)-2(u)4( can)4( co(con)5(f)-1(i)4(g)-2ure)8( t)TJ0.0014 6c -0.0004 1w T*[(cowhe10(h)-)5( o)4(5)-1( )6(not)4( )]Tt)4(h)-1(e o)5(u)-1(t)4(p)5(ut)4( )6(pul)4(s)8(e)3(2co)-m(v))(in)encest)4( )6were(e)r6(up)-5.
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