ioLogik R2110 Series User’s Manual
Configuring with ioAdmin
Server Information
The Server Information tab provides the Modbus addresses for all system configurations. This
helps you verify the access authority of each address. The screen also displays a clear explanation
of each item.
Logging In
Initially, you will have limited access to DI/O channel settings and other functions. For example,
you will not be able to test or configure the DI/O channels when first powering on the ioLogik
R2110. In order to obtain full access to configuration settings and other functions, you will need to
first log in under the Management tab, regardless of whether or not you have set up password. (If
there is no password, you may leave the password field blank.) Be sure to do log in first after any
power on or restart if you wish to have access to all functions.
Configuring Digital Input/Output Channels
ioAdmin allows easy testing and configuration of the ioLogik R2110’s DI/O channels. Simply
double click on the channel that you wish to configure. You will be able to test the channel, select
the mode, adjust the mode settings, and adjust the power on and safe status settings.