MCTC manual
Batch Settings
For each batch dosing, the settings in the screen below can be made, except for the Batch unloading settings
(5 and 6). These settings can only be set for component 1 in the system.
Figure 2 Batch Settings screen
1. Fine dosing set: this setpoint determines when the dosing unit switches from coarse to fine dosing
2. Change delay: the time in which the motor speeds changes from coarse to fine dosing speed
3. Motor Speed Coarse: RPM when batch dosing is started
4. Motor Speed Fine: RPM setting for fine dosing.
Only component 1:
5. Unloading enabled: Enables or disables the unloading option
6. Unloading delay: Time before unloading output is activated
Batch weight: 100 g, Batch settings as in Figure 2
When the MCTC gets a start input, the dosing unit will start dosing at 100RPM, when the last 10g (Fine
Dosing Set) is reached, the RPMs are changed from 100 to 25 in a time of 2 seconds. The dosing unit will
continue dosing at 25RPM until the total batch weight of 100 g is reached.
Batch unloading
In some systems the batch needs to be unloaded from a buffer. This can be done with the Batch unloading
option. When the option Batch unloading is enabled
, potential free output 3 of the MCTC will close when
batch dosing is ready. Now the batch can be unloaded by closing input 1 of the MCTC. When this input is
activated, output 1 of the MCTC closes after the unloading delay time
. This output can for example be
used to control a valve.