SD34002g_e.doc / Sep-13
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9. Appendix: Serial Communication Details
Serial communication with the counter can be used for the following purposes:
PC setup of the counter, using the OS32 Operator software
Automatic and cyclic transmission of counter data to remote devices like PC, PLC or
Data Logger
Communication via PC or PLC, using the communication protocol
This section describes the essential and basic communication features only. Full details are
available from the special SERPRO manual.
9.1. Setup of the Counter by PC
Connect the counter to your PC as shown in section 3.6 of this manual. Start the OS32 Operator
software. After a short initializing time you will see the following screen:
If your screen remains empty and the headline of your PC says „OFFLINE“, select „Comms“ of
the menu bar and check your serial communication settings.
The edit field on the left shows all actual parameters and provides full editing function. The
„File“ menu allows to store complete sets of parameters for printout or for download to a
When editing parameters, please use the ENTER key of your PC after each entry, to ensure
storage of your data to the counter.