Motorola TV Easy Find Operating Instructions Download Page 1


Displays the Applications Menu

recorded tv

Displays the Digital Video Recorder (DVR) menu


Selects highlighted screen options


Returns to the previous channel

ch/pg + or -

Navigate to and highlight an item

from the on-screen choices


Controls Record functions

(only available on Digital

Video Recorder Set-top Boxes)


Use to exit setup screens


Displays the Program

Guide Listings 

Buttons shouLd Be pressed and reLeased QuickLY, as hoLding Buttons maY execute additionaL commands.


Silences the audio. Press to activate.

Press again to restore to original level

or -

Raises or lowers the

sound level 

on demand

Provides direct access to

On Demand Channel


Replays the previous few

seconds of a program


Edit text on the screen


Selects the video source from

available video components


Allows you to turn your TV, VCR, DVD,

AUX and Set-top Box On and Off


Displays information about the program 

currently playing or highlighted in 

the program guide

cursor navigation pad 








Navigates to and highlights an item

from on-screen choices


Allows you to select available aspect ratios through the STB


Available for future use


Forward ahead to stored

or recorded programs

vcr/dvd/mod keYs 








Perform standard VCR and DVD functions when in DVD or VCR 

mode, and DVR or Video-on-Demand options when in STB mode

numBer pad

Enter numbers to tune to channels. Also,

make numeric entries on on-screen menus

Note: You can also use 




or the program guide as alternate 

ways to tune channels.


Return to previous menu screen or TV channel


Displays information about the program currently 

playing or highlighted in the program guide

Button Functions

stB, tv, dvd, aux

Used to select the component you want

to operate and signals remote control actively


Provides direct access to favorites channel


Available for future use


Allows access to viewing options, including

aspect ratios, audio languages and subtitles

thank you for choosing Ftc vision. For user 

support, or to report trouble, please call 611 

from any Ftc, Ftc diversified or Ftc wireless 

phone. For vision tutorials, please visit our 

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Ftc vision and search for vision tutorials. 

Operating Instructions for

tv easy Find

remote control

Operating Instructions for

tv easy Find

remote control

(888) 218-5050 •


Quick setup guide

1. how to connect the Base station

step 1.

 Determine where you would like to place the 

Base Station.

step 2a.

 Powering from your Set-top Box (within 3 

feet). Connect the “square” end of the supplied USB 

cable to the Base Station and the “rectangle” end to 

the back of the Set-top Box.

step 2B.

 Powering from a wall outlet (farther than 

3 feet from Set-top Box). Connect one end of the 

supplied plug-in power supply to the Base Station and 

the other end to a nearby wall socket.
Note: You only need to follow STEP 2A or STEP 2B, not both.

2. how to set the clock

step 1.

 Use the +H and the +M buttons on the bottom 

of the Base Station to set the hours and minutes of 

the clock.

step 2.

 With the remote control in the Base Station, 

press and hold the FIND button, which will cause 

the clock to dim as desired. Press and hold the FIND 

button again to make clock brighter,  as desired.

3. how to charge the remote control

step 1.

 Place the remote control in the Base Station. A 

magnet inside the Base Station pulls the remote into 

place to make contact with the charging pins.

step 2.

 Make sure that the charging points are in full 

contact by seeing that the charging lights on the Base 

Station are lit.
Note:  It is not necessary to charge the remote control 

often, but remember to place it in the Base Station for 

at least two overnight sessions per month if possible. 

Quick-charge the remote in 30 minutes or fully charge 

the remote in 12 hours.

4. how to manually set up the remote

step 1.

 Power on the device you want to set up.

step 2.

 Locate the 4-digit code from the code list.

step 3.

 Press and hold the mode key (TV, DVD or 

AUX) and while holding the mode key, press the OK 


step 4.

 Release both the mode key and the OK key. 

All the mode keys flash, but the selected mode key 

stays on.

step 5.

 Enter the 4-digit code from the code list. The 

selected mode key light blinks for each digit entry and 

remains off after the entry of the fourth digit.

step 6.

 Point the remote control at the selected device 

and press the power key once. The device should turn 

off if you have found the correct 4-digit code.

step 7.

 If there are multiple codes and one does not 

work, repeat steps 2-6, using the next code until 

you find the correct one. If it still does not work as 

intended, please refer to the advanced section.

write your codes here so you don’t forget them:







5. how to use the Find Feature

step 1.

 If you have misplaced the remote control, 

simply press the button labeled FIND on the Base 

Station. The remote will sound and flash to make it 

easy to find your misplaced remote control.

step 2.

 Once you have located the remote control, 

press any key on the remote to stop the sound and 

flashing keys. 

advanced Features setup

controlling other devices

In order to control other devices with your Motorola 

TV Easy Find Remote Control, you need to tell 

the remote control what types of devices you have. 

Sections A and B take you through the steps needed to 

do this. The volume controls will control your Set-top 

Box until the TV device mode is programmed. The 

channel controls will always control your Set-top Box. 

If you want to change this, you should follow the steps 

in Sections E & F.

programming the remote to

control other devices

To use your Motorola TV Easy Find Remote Control 

for your other devices, you will need to set up the 

TV, DVD and AUX mode keys to control the devices 

(Section A). Please refer to the code list for a list of 

supported brands and models.
If  you  do  not  find  the  brand  of  your  device  on  the 

supported code list, please refer to section B for 

the search function or you may use section C for 

instructions on the learning feature of your remote 

If you have an integrated or combination unit such as a 

TV/DVD, each component of the unit may need to be 

set up separately by setting up both the TV and DVD 

mode keys.

Note: The DVD and AUX mode keys can be set up 

with any code. The TV mode key can only be set up 

with TV codes.

a. manual programming

Use the following steps to set up the TV, DVD or AUX 

mode keys:


 Power on the device you want to program and locate 

the 4-digit code from the code list.


 Press and hold the mode key (TV, DVD or AUX) 

and, while holding it pressed, press the OK key for 

1 second.


 Release both keys. All of the mode keys will flash, 

then the selected mode key light will stay lit.


 Enter the 4-digit code by pressing the numerical 

keys (0-9). The selected mode key light will blink for 

each digit entry and will remain off after the entry of 

the fourth digit, indicating a successful setup.


 Point the remote control at the selected device and 

press the power key once. The device should turn off. 

If the device stayed on, repeat the steps 2 through 5, 

trying  each  code  for  your  brand  until  you  find  the 

correct code.
Repeat above steps to set up another device. To use the 

remote control for your Set-top Box, press the STB 

mode key.
Note: If an invalid code is entered or no key is pressed 

at all for 30 seconds, the mode key light flashes for 3 

seconds and turns off. The remote control returns to 

normal operation and you will need to start over from 

step A2 to set up the device.

B. using the search Function

To search for a particular device code for DVD or 

AUX, e.g., VCR, use the Manual Programming for 

section A and program DVD or AUX with any VCR 

code prior to starting a search.


 Turn on the device you want to control and point the 

remote at that device.


 Press and hold the mode key (TV, DVD or AUX) 

and, while holding it pressed, press the OK key for 

1 second.


 Release both keys. All of the mode keys will flash, 

then the selected mode key light will stay lit.


 Press the power button repetitively until the selected 

device turns off. Once your device has turned off, 

press OK to save the code.


 To indicate a successful setup, the selected mode 

key will turn off and you are ready to set up another 

device by following steps 1 through 4 of this section.

c. Learning

If the code for your device is not found in the code 

list  and  the  search  feature  was  not  able  to  find  the 

code for your device, then the learning feature may be 

your best option. The learning feature lets you “learn” 

functions from your original remote control.
Note:  Learning cannot be performed for any mode 

until after that mode is set up with a valid code. So, 

to learn the keys, first set up the mode with a valid 

code (select any code for the appropriate mode from 

the code list), then follow the steps in the following 


c-1. Learning commands


 Press and hold the mode key (TV, DVD or AUX) 

on the Motorola remote, and while holding it pressed, 

press the LEARN key for 1 second then release both 



 All of the mode keys will flash and then the selected 

mode key light remains on.


 On your Motorola remote, press and release the key 

that you want to teach.


 While pointing your original remote at the bottom 

of your Motorola TV Easy Find Remote Control, 

approximately 1 inch apart, press and hold the original 

remote key until the mode key light blinks once and 

stays on. (If there is a learning problem, the mode key 

light blinks for 3 seconds and stays on. If this happens, 

repeat steps 3 and 4 above.)


 Repeat steps 3 and 4 above for each key you want 

your Motorola TV Easy Find Remote Control to learn.
Press and release the LEARN key when all desired 

remote commands have been learned. If you have 

encountered difficulties with the LEARN key setup, 

please refer to Section L: Troubleshooting Learning.
Note: It is not necessary to have your Motorola TV 

Easy Find Remote Control learn every key from your 

original remote, since most of the keys will not be 

used under normal daily use. The best practice is to 

teach only the keys that help you navigate for the best 

experience, like your volume up and down.

d. clearing commands
d-1. to clear all Learned commands

(under single mode)


 Press and hold the mode key (TV, DVD, or AUX) 

and, while holding it pressed, press the LEARN key 

for 1 second, then release both keys.


 All the mode keys will flash and the selected mode 

key light will stay on.


 Press and release the LEARN key once. The mode 

key light blinks off.


 Press and release the DELETE key. The mode key 

light turns off. All learned commands under that mode 

are now cleared.

d-2. to clear all Learned commands

(under aLL modes)


 Press and hold the mode key (TV, DVD or AUX) 

and, while holding it pressed, press the LEARN key 

for 1 second, then release both keys.


 All the mode keys will flash and the selected mode 

key light will stay on.


 Press and release the LEARN key twice. The mode 

key light blinks off.


 Press and release the DELETE key. The mode key 

light turns off.

e. volume control setup options

The volume controls will control your Set-top Box 

until the TV device mode is programmed, e.g. if DVD 

mode is selected, then volume controls your Set-top 

Box. If TV mode is programmed and DVD mode 

is  selected,  then  volume  controls  your TV.  If  you’d 

like the volume commands to operate from just one 

device, e.g., always TV, then follow the instructions 

in Section E-1. If you’d like the volume commands 

to be sent to different devices, depending which mode 

you are in, then follow the instructions on Section E-2.

e-1. volume always controls

the same device


Press the TV key and, while holding it pressed, press 

the OK key for 1 second.


  Release both keys. All of the mode keys will flash, 

followed by the TV mode key light remaining on.


 Press and hold the MUTE key for 3 seconds until the 

TV  mode  key  light  briefly  turns  off  then  remains  on. 

Press and release the mode key that you always want 

to operate the volume commands (STB, TV, DVD or 

AUX). The selected mode key light will remain on.


 Press and release the MUTE key to save the setting. 

The selected mode key light will turn off, indicating a 

successful setup. The volume commands will be set up 

for the selected device start over from step 1 above and 

select a different mode to program the device.

e-2. volume control depends

on device selected


 Press and hold the TV key and, while holding it 

pressed, press the OK key for 1 second.


 Release both keys. All of the mode keys will flash, 

followed by the TV mode key light remaining on.


 Press and hold the MUTE key for 3 seconds until 

the TV mode key light briefly turns off, then stays on, 

then release the MUTE key.


 Press and release the MUTE key to save the setting. 

The TV mode key light turns off, indicating successful 

setup. The volume commands will now work for 

different devices.
Note:  If a programmed mode key has no volume 

commands of its own, then the volume control will 

normally operate the TV. If an invalid key is pressed, the 

selected mode key light flashes for 3 seconds and turns 

off. The remote control returns to normal operation and 

you will need to start over. 

F. channel control setup options

The channel controls (Channel Up/Down, 0-9 and 

LAST) will always work your Set-top Box. If you’d 

like the channel commands to be sent to different 

devices, depending which mode you are in, then 

follow the instructions in Section F-1.

F-1. volume control depends

on device selected


 Press and hold the TV key and, while holding it 

pressed, press the OK key for 1 second.


  Release  both  keys.  All  of  the  mode  keys  flash, 

followed by the TV mode key light remaining on.


 Press and hold the LAST key for 3 seconds until the 

TV mode key light briefly turns off then stays on, then 

release the LAST key.


 Press and release the LAST key to save the setting. 

The TV mode key light turns off, indicating successful 

setup. The channel commands will now work for 

different devices.

F-2. channel always controls Your

set-top Box (Factory default)


 Press and hold the TV key and, while holding it 

pressed, press the OK key for 1 second.


 Release both keys. All of the mode keys will flash, 

followed by the TV mode key light remaining on.


 Press and hold the LAST key for 3 seconds until the 

TV mode key light briefly turns off then remains on.


 Press and release the STB mode key. The selected 

mode key light remains on.


 Press and release the LAST key to save the setting.

The STB mode key light will turn off, indicating a 

successful initial setup. The channel commands will 

be set up for your Set-top Box, regardless of what 

mode is selected. If the selected mode key light flashes 

for 3 seconds and turns off, then you will need to start 

over from step 1.

g. mode deactivation

If you’d like to deactivate a device mode, then follow 

the instructions below:


 Press and hold the mode key to be deactivated (TV, 

DVD or AUX) and, while holding it pressed, press the 

OK key for 1 second.


 Release both keys. All of the mode keys will flash 

and then the selected mode key light will remain on. 


 Enter the 4-digit code 1754 by pressing the 

numerical keys (0-9). The selected mode key light 

will blink for each digit entry and will remain off after 

the entry of the fourth digit, indicating the mode is 

Note: The STB mode cannot be deactivated.

h. multiple device power

control setup options

After pressing the STB key, pressing the Power key 

turns the Set-top Box on or off, AND turns on or off 

the TV if it has been set up. If you want the Power 

key to turn on other devices at the same time, you can 

enable these as follows:


 Press and hold the STB key and, while holding it 

pressed, press the OK key for 1 second. Then release 

both keys. You are now in setup mode.


 Press and release the mode key (TV, DVD or AUX) 

you want to enable.


 Press and release the 1 key. The selected mode is 

now enabled. If no mode key is pressed in step 2, ALL 

modes (TV, DVD and AUX) will be enabled.
To remove a mode from the Power key:


 Press and hold the STB key and, while holding it 

pressed, press the OK key for 1 second. Then release 

both keys. You are now in setup mode.


 Press and release the mode key (TV, DVD or AUX) 

you want to disable.


 Press and release the 0 key. The selected mode is 

now disabled. If no mode key is pressed in step 2, ALL 

modes (TV, DVD and AUX) will be disabled.

Note:  you can turn individual devices on/off by 

pressing the desired Mode key followed by the Power 

key. It is important to point your Motorola remote 

directly toward the devices for this feature to operate 


i. Backlight cancellation Feature

Your Motorola Easy Find Remote Control has the 

ability to toggle between turning the backlights on 

or off. If you wish to use this feature, follow these 



 Press and hold the TV key and, while holding it 

pressed, press the OK key for 1 second and release 

both keys at the same time.


 All the mode keys flash and the TV mode key light 

stays on.


 Press the GUIDE key. All backlights will no longer 

turn on.
To reverse this process so that the backlights turn on 

when the remote control is being used, simply follow 

the same steps of the above section one more time.

J.  resetting the remote control

to the Factory default settings


 Press and hold the TV key and, while holding it 

pressed, press the OK key for 1 second and release 

both keys at the same time.


 All the mode keys will flash. The TV mode key light 

will stay on.


 Press and hold the DELETE key for 3 seconds until the 

TV mode key blinks and stays off. The remote control is 

now reset to factory default settings. If you want to use 

the remote control for your TV and other devices, you 

will need to set up the TV, DVD and AUX mode keys.


 If no key is pressed within 30 seconds, the remote 

control times out. The selected mode key light flashes 

for 3 seconds and turns off. The remote control returns to 

normal operation and you will need to start over.

k.  Finding more than one remote

If you own more than one Motorola TV Easy Find 

Remote Control and Base Station, you can set each 

Base  Station  to  find  only  its  own  remote  with  16 

unique  codes.  With  the  first  power-up  of  the  Base 

Station, it will be set to find ALL remotes.
To set the Base Station so that it finds a specific remote 

when there are multiple remotes in the household, 

follow these instructions:


 Press and hold both clock setting keys (+H and +M) 

at the same time for 3 seconds.The display shows the 

current ID, from 1 to 16, or ALL.


 Press the +M key to cycle from 1 to 16, including a 

selection for all remotes in the household.


 Then press the +H key to confirm the selection.

To set the remote to the same ID as the Base Station, 

follow these instructions:


  Press and hold the TV key on the remote and, while 

holding it pressed, press the OK key for 1 second and 

release both keys at the same time. Next press the 

MENU key to enter the ID learn mode (both the STB 

and AUX lights remain on).


 Press the Find key on the Base Station. The remote will 

accept the new ID and the lights will flash once and then 

turn off.


 To exit this mode without changing the code, simply 

press any key on the remote control.

L. troubleshooting Learning

You can only learn one device type under any one 

mode key. For example, only learn TV codes under 

the TV mode, DVD codes under the DVD mode, etc. 

If you are trying to learn from a “Universal” remote, 

it might have more than one code type stored under 

a mode.


No functions may be stored under the LEARN key 

or in the STB mode.


Depending on the remote you are trying to learn, 

some keys may not be learnable.


 Only one original device type can be learned per 

individual mode.


Use fresh batteries for your original remote, and 

make sure the batteries in your Motorola TV Easy 

Find Remote Control are fully charged.


Stay at least 3 feet away from incandescent or low-

energy lights when learning.


Before learning, clear all learned commands (refer 

to Section D-2), then try learning 2 or 3 commands 



Point your original remote at the bottom end of your 

Motorola Remote Control so the IR elements on both 

remotes are directly in line with each other. You may 

need to adjust the height of either remote to achieve 



  Avoid  learning  your  original  remote’s  Volume/

Mute keys unless you are sure these operate the same 



Avoid learning your original remote’s VCR or DVD  

transport keys unless you’re sure these operate the

same device.


. If learning the first or second keys for a mode

results in continuous errors, then try the following:


End the learn session by pressing the LEARN  



. Clear out the learned commands for that mode.


Check the IR elements are correctly aligned


between  the two remotes.


Adjust the distance between the two remotes  


to be closer, e.g., half an inch, or farther away,  


e.g., 2 inches, from each other.


Try learning the original remote for that mode


again. If problems reoccur with the same   


key, check the original remote key being learned –


Does it transmit? Does it operate the target  


device? Try learning that key under a different  


clear mode.


If it learns OK, then it is likely to be a different  


code type from the others and cannot be learned  


under the same mode.
