Motorola Signal Booster Installation Manual Download Page 1


Signal Booster Installation Guide 

To install the Signal Booster, perform the following steps and refer to the drawing below: 

1.  Connect the cable from your cable service provider or antenna (cable in) to the Signal Input on 

the Signal Booster. 

(In typical installations, the input cable is already connected to the television 

or VCR. Disconnect this cable and connect it to the Signal Input on the Signal Booster).


2.  Connect the Signal Output on the Signal Booster to the television or VCR input using the supplied 

6 foot coaxial cable. 

3.  Use the other 6 foot coaxial cable to connect the ac adapter to the Power 12 Vdc connector on 

the Signal Booster. 

4.  Plug the ac adapter into a convenient wall outlet. The lighted, green LED confirms that power is 

correctly applied. 

You can mount the Signal Booster to any suitable indoor surface using the screws provided, or it may lay 

120 Vac in,

12 Vdc out




6 foot



Cable in

6 foot coaxial cable out to

televisions/set-top terminals

(Step 4)

(Step 3)

(Step 2)

(Step 1)

Power 12 Vdc

Signal Input

Signal Output

Broadband Drop Amp

52-1000 MHz Fwd (+15dB)
5-40 MHz Rtn (-1dB)

Part Number: 484095-001-00

M O TOR OLA and the Stylized M  Logo are

regis tered tradem arks of  M otorola, Inc.

® Reg. U.S . Pat. & Tm . O ff.

© 2001 Motorola,Inc. A ll rights reserved.

M ade  in  Taiw an


If You Need Help 

If you need assistance while working with the Signal Booster, call Motorola’s Customer Service and 
Technical Support Center at 1-877-466-8646. 
