With the pressure to generate demand for consumer
products in today’s highly competitive market, in-store
promotional programs have come to represent a large
percentage of marketing budgets for manufacturers and
retailers alike. However, poor in-store execution can
significantly reduce the effectiveness of this investment.
Retailers struggle to find ways to gain tighter control over
their in-store merchandising. Manufacturers need increased
visibility into merchandising at a shelf level — Is merchandise
displayed at the correct price? Does the display conform to
planogram? Are competitor’s activities impacting promotion
success? While in-store visual merchandising audits are
conducted, labor costs are high and delays in getting data
from the field to the office eliminate the possibility of a
timely response and correction.
Mobility tools for in-store merchandising: the MC35
Through a combination of mobile voice and data communications, a high-
resolution digital camera, bar code reading capabilities and personal productivity
tools, the MC35 improves the efficiency and accuracy of merchandising audits
— whether audits are conducted by a merchandising service organization, a
manufacturer sales representative, a part-time field employee, or an in-store
retail associate. Automatic capture of product and promotion bar codes,
electronic checklists and WWAN connectivity ensure that in-store data reaches
key decision makers fast, without the time delays and labor inefficiencies
associated with paper forms. The MC35’s built-in durability delivers reliable
performance, even with all day every day use in the retail store. And with its
ease of use, the MC35 keeps productivity high — even with high turnover rates
and inexperienced part-time auditors.
Accelerate access to data with electronic data collection
With a real-time connection in the store and an electronic form, the MC35
streamlines in-store audits from start to finish — so data is collected faster and
transferred into business systems immediately. The MC35 walks the auditor
Key Benefits:
Improves effectiveness and
consistency of promotional
Increases efficiency and
productivity of merchandising
Ensures shelf and display
Delivers accurate, timely
information for faster response
Improves competitive
Increase productivity and
effectiveness of merchandising
audits with the MC35