What if the Sleep Sensor has lost its Bluetooth® link with your
Smart Device?
• Make sure the battery built-in the Sleep Sensor is fully charged.
• If your Smart Device is too far away it may be going out of range,
so move the Smart Device closer to the Comfort Cloud (Disclosure
with range info)
• Make sure the device is added in the Hubble app, see if there is a
need to pair the Sleep Sensor and your Smart Device again.
• Use of other 2.4 GHz products, such as wireless networks (Wi-
Fi® routers), Bluetooth™ systems, or microwave ovens, may cause
interference with this product. Keep the Comfort Cloud at least
5ft (1.5m) away from these types of products, or turn them off if
they appear to be causing interference.
Why my Smart Device synced during my first use, but now it
won’t sync and give any activity?
• Make sure Hubble app is opened when you want to read the activity.
• Remover you Comfort Cloud from the app. Repair the device with
your Smart device by adding the Comfort Cloud back to the app.
My baby is not in his / her lounger but the app is still showing
The Comfort Cloud can occasionally pick up vibrations from your
own breathing or movement, which may cause the app to display
activity. This usually happens if the lounger is close beside you, for
example, on the bed or couch.
Can I use the Comfort Cloud as a co-sleeper in my bed?
It is not recommended for the parent to sleep in bed next to the
lounger, as the sleep strip is very sensitive and will pick up the
heartbeat and breathing rate of the parent.
Can I use the Comfort Cloud in my baby’s crib?
The Comfort Cloud should never be used in a crib or bassinet. It
is recommended that babies are placed in their crib without any
pillows or additional bedding.