68P80801E30-A 5/1/2002
Gen 3 Site Controller System Manual
Chapter 2 System Description
EBTS Site Description
The EBTS site contains rf and control equipment. It provides the radio
communication link between the land network and the mobile and portable
units. Each EBTS site consists of one or more rf cabinets and one site
controller cabinet. In the case of the SRSC and SRRC, the site control
equipment resides in the rf cabinet. The site controller and rf cabinets are
interconnected via an Ethernet LAN. The site controller also terminates the
connection between the EBTS and MSO via a T1 span (or E1 for
international markets). Refer to Figure 2-2. A diagram of a typical control
rack appears in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-2
Inside the EBTS