Chapter 6 System Testing
Gen 3 Site Controller System Manual
Testing Overview
68P80801E30-A 5/1/2002
Testing Overview
The testing procedures covered in this chapter are intended to be used in
conjunction with the information provided in the System Troubleshooting
chapter. Together, the troubleshooting solutions and testing procedures
provide the necessary information to isolate failures to a Field Replaceable
Unit (FRU). This minimizes system downtime by quickly returning the site
to normal operation.
Ship faulty FRUs to a Motorola depot facility for servicing.
MMI commands
Service technicians can communicate with the system through Man-
Machine Interface (MMI) commands and a service computer. MMI
commands provide testing capabilities. They also enable access to alarm log
files and various diagnostic tests. In addition, MMI commands provide a
means to configure the site controller for various system tests.
The procedures in this chapter use a select number of MMI commands.
Test procedures
This chapter’s test procedures check system functions and help isolate
failures to the FRU level. If a failure cannot be isolated after performing
these tests, refer to the tables within the System Troubleshooting chapter.