Expression Pedal Name
You can also name your expression preset so that its name is displayed up when you move the expression pedal. You can name your
expression presets using the Device Editor or on the MC6 itself. Press [D+F] > Expr 1 or 2 > FullNme.
Programming an Expression Pedal Preset
Programming using the Device Editor
First move the expression pedal that you want to use (it will show up on the Editor screen) or select it from the Preset dropdown list. You can
then use the Editor to program the messages you want your expression pedal to send. Refer to this video for an in-depth tutorial:
Programming on the Controller Itself
First move the expression pedal that you want to use, then press switches [D+F] to begin editing. The last moved expression pedal will be
displayed on the menu.
For eg. If your last moved expression pedal is connected to Exp port 1, you will see ‘Exp 1’ in the menu. And if your last moved expression pedal
is connected to Exp port 2, you will see ‘Exp 2’ in the menu.
Press [D+F] > Exp 1 or 2 > EditMsgs > Proceed to edit your expression messages
Select Expression Messages to Send or Omit
MC6 foot switches to do this on the fly. Refer to this video for an in-depth tutorial:
External Aux Switches
Connect external aux switches for extra control. Under your Global Config settings, you can configure to behave as fully programmable switches
or Fixed Switches to control banking up/down and page toggle.
Press [D+F] > GblConfg > ExprInput > Press switch A or D and choose either Aux Switch or Fixed Switch > Save and Exit.
Aux Switch - Your Aux switches will function as fully programmable switches, just like the built-in switches (sans the LCD display)
Fixed Switch - Your Aux switches will function as bank up, bank down and toggle page switches. Setting 1 and 2 swap the position of the bank
up and bank down switches so you can have your preferred layout.
Using external aux switches will give you direct access to the presets (G to L) on the second page of each MC6 bank without having to toggle
The MC6 requires aux switches that are wired like in the schematic below. It has to be connected to the device with a stereo cable, where the Tip
is connected to the ground via a SPST Footswitch, and similar to the Ring as well. Another switch can be added to connect both Tip and Ring to
ground to engage an additional preset/setting. Please refer to the schematic below.
If you would like to build one yourself, you can refer to the following schematic:
The MC6 works with an expression pedal with a Linear potentiometer only. Log potentiometers will not work well.
for a demo and tutorial on how to add aux switches to your controller.
There are a few pedal builders that sell such switches (we are not affiliated with these companies.):
Analog Endeavors
American Loopers
The footswitches need to be Momentary and Normally Open