Moore Industries-International, Inc.
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User’s Manual
February 2017
Moore industries-International, Inc.
Section 2 - Calibration and Bench Check
It is recommended that you perform a bench check on your instruments prior to installing them in
your application.
A true calibration of the STA can only be performed at Moore Industries using specialized
equipment. We recommend that you check the calibration every year and re-calibrate only when
However, input trimming increases the measurement accuracy of your instrument by matching
the reading of its actual input to its scaling. The STA offers the use of a factory-configured
trimming feature (‘FCTRY TRIM”) or user-set, one-point or two-point (“USER 1 PNT” or “USER 2
PNT”) trimming.
Please refer to Section 4 of this manual for instructions to perform Input Trimming via Push
button panel or Section 5 using the PC Configuration Software.
Likewise, output trimming increases the measurement accuracy of the STA by calibrating its
Analog Output to the device that is receiving the output. This ensures that the instrument is being
correctly interpreted.
Please refer to Section 4 of this manual for instructions to perform Output Trimming via Push
button panel or Section 5 using the PC Configuration Software.
Bench Check
We highly recommend that you perform a bench check of your STA prior to installing it in the
field. This will ensure that the STA is operating within your expectations or requirements.
The bench check is a quick way to determine that your STA is functioning as expected.
Depending on your organization’s requirements, you may also be required to perform a complete
Proof Test on your STA. The instructions for the Proof Test can be found in Section 7 of this
As a prelude to performing the bench check you should configure your STA as it is to be used
in your final application. Refer to Section 4 for the STA Front Panel Configuration instructions.
These instructions are used if you are configuring your STA by using the front panel push
buttons. Section 5 contains the instructions for configuring your STA using the STA PC
Configuration software.
The equipment necessary to perform a bench check can be found in Table 2.1.
Programmable Current/Voltage Safety Trip Alarm
Table 2.1.
Necessary Equipment for Bench Checking the STA (HLPRG)
Power Supply
: 21.6 - 375 Vdc or 90-260Vac;
Accurate to ±0.009% of span; e.g., HP Model 3478A
Current and/or Voltage Source
Variable; accurate to ±0.05% of unit span