MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Operation Manual
Id.-No.: CA97554-001 Date: 06/2012
4.4.6 Firmware update with MMC card
The MMC card can be used to perform a firmware update for the MSD Servo Drive. For
this, the HEX file of the update firmware must be copied under the name “main.hex” to
the “\Firmware\” folder in the root directory of the MMC card.
Connect the preconfigured MMC card to the MSD Servo Drive. Then perform a reset of
the 24 V DC control supply by pressing both buttons (T1 and T2) simultaneously. When
the display shows the code “c1” you can release the buttons.
The progress of the firmware update is indicated on the display by a flashing dot after
D2 and consecutively by “c1” ... “c4”. When the update has been completed success-
fully the new firmware starts up as normal. In the event of an error the code “cE” is
displayed. In this case a reset of the 24 V DC control supply must be performed and the
download repeated.