2 Safety
© Moog GmbH User Manual "D633-A Series" (CA80942-001; Version 1.0, 12/08) 7
2.3 Responsibilities
Responsibility of the
manufacturer and the
operator of the machine
The manufacturer and the operator of the machine are responsible for ensuring
that work with and on the valves and handling of the valves is planned and per-
formed in accordance with the directions given in this user manual and in the
product-related hardware and software documentation relevant to the particu-
lar application.
The manufacturer and the operator of the machine are in particular responsible
for ensuring the following:
• Selection and training of personnel
Chapter "2.4 Selection and qualification of personnel", page 8
• Intended operation
Chapter "2.1 Intended operation", page 5
• Handling in accordance with safety requirements
Chapter "2.2 Handling in accordance with safety requirements", page 6
• Taking and monitoring of the occupational safety and health measures re-
quired for the particular application
Chapter "2.6 Occupational safety and health", page 9
• Observation of all of the safety standards of the manufacturer and the op-
erator of the machine relevant to the particular application
• Observation of the latest versions of the relevant national and interna-
tional regulations, standards and guidelines (such as e.g., the EU Machin-
ery Directive, the regulations of the trade association and of TÜV or VDE)
in the configuration, construction and operation of the machine with all of
its installed components
• Installation of suitable safety devices for limiting the pressure at the hy-
draulic ports
Chapter "2.8 Pressure limitation", page 10
• Compliance with the preconditions for satisfying the EMC protection re-
• Use of the valves in a technically faultless and operationally safe state
• Prevention of unauthorized or improperly performed structural modifica-
tions, repairs or maintenance
Chapter "2.5 Structural modifications", page 8
• Definition and observation of the application-specific inspection and main-
tenance instructions
• Adherence to all of the technical data relating to the storage, transporta-
tion, mounting, removal, connection, start-up, configuration, operation,
cleaning, maintenance or elimination of any faults, in particular the ambi-
ent conditions and the data pertaining to the hydraulic fluid used
Chapter "4 Technical Data", page 25
• Proper storage, transportation, mounting, removal, connection, start-up,
configuration, operation, cleaning, maintenance, elimination of any faults
or disposal
• Use of suitable and faultless accessories and of suitable and faultless
spare parts
Chapter "13 Accessories and Spare Parts", page 65
• Handy and accessible storage of this user manual and of the product-re-
lated hardware and software documentation relevant to the particular ap-