Clearing the Overtravel Limits and Fault Bits
Clearing the Overtravel Limits and Fault Bits
To disable (clear) the overtravel limits, enter EIGN(2) and EIGN(3) in the SMI software Terminal
This sets I/O 2 (positive overtravel limit) and I/O 3 (negative overtravel limit) as general
inputs/outputs instead of being used as travel limits. To set all status bits in Word 0 as general
inputs/outputs, enter EIGN(W,0).
You can either type the command in the white text box or type the command directly in the
blue area of the terminal screen and then click Send or press Enter.
The active and asserted bits are cleared, as shown in the following figures.
Command Entered
Active and Asserted Bits Cleared
To clear the historical fault bits, enter ZS. All remaining fault bits are cleared, as shown in the
following figures.
ZS Command Entered
Remaining Bits Cleared
Moog Animatics Class 5 SmartMotor™
Installation and Startup Guide,
Rev. I
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