Page 1: Steel Professional Outdoor Cooking Centers 4 _ v a_ _ d gas modds Zt 4SN42 ZG 48N 31 Z 481 42 o Z 48i _ 1 _6 katurag gvl smodds Z 36N3 Z B6N21 o o Z _ _ l o 27 X at _r d gas model s Z _2 N2 Z 2 N20 ZG 2 t 12 l Z 2 I 2 ...
Page 2: ...I P models ar_ supplied with a 20 lb l P tank shipped sepac _tely equipped with _ Type Acme comlector The supplied regut m r has t m _ting connector Th_ supplied P tank is equipped with an overfill protection _ice 11you milize a tank exchang_ system b_ sure to _xchange this tank Ior a tank with the same k_ice IF YO I SMEI I GAS Shut off gas to appliance Exri_guish an open flame Open lid If o dot c...
Page 3: ..._stible enclosm es Grill Carts ZX4SCTA thr 48 _ ide mode s ZX36 TA tiu 36 _ ide mode s ZX271 7 4 tiu 27 wide models InsuLated Jackets for Combustible enclosure ZX48JYSS tot 48 _ide models ZXB6 YSS tot 36 _ide models ZX27J S tiw 27 _ide models 27 Model _I im Kit ZX27TKYSS is available to conceal the gap between the cooki_ g ce_ term d e_ c osm e ZXADYSS Stainless Steel Double Access Doors Opthmal a...
Page 4: ... rmafio_ Outdoor Cool h_g Ce _ ers d CIearr_ces 16 1 4 Min to Combustibles 3 Clearancefor Lid 13 7 8 Minto Combustibles 3 Clearance for Lid 36 Wide Modds mbustibles 3 Clearance for Lid 12 1 2 47 7 8 48 Wide Mode_s ...
Page 5: ... side of the opening Clearances All Models Allo_l 3 at the rear fl r lid clearance A lal at least 2 c earan ce at the back of the grill Ill ell exhaust is directed to a tlin ha_ or a sur_hce that is diflicuh to clean A1loll at least 6 clearance on each side to any nol combustible material Mcated above the cooking sm _hce for comlterspace Roti sseri e mode s a so req uire 6 c earan ce flw p a_h g a...
Page 6: ...e side sh pph_g brackets Remove si de brackets _ h eli im sta im_g ira to m em_c osm e Shippim g b_ ackets may Yemaim im_ p ace _ hen im_sta im_g h_to a cart 27 mode s a1 e molmted to _ sh pph_g pmmL Rein ore bo ts and discmx pam_eL ShippingSupport Bracket 1 2 NPTto 3 8 flare adaptor 03 Coupler and Nipple Natural Gas Models Warming Rack oil some models Match Stick ExtensionRod ill Grates GourmetRa...
Page 7: ...ible vertical materials ZX27TKYSS Trim Kit Thi s kit is desig ed I_ku both corn bustib e md n m combl_stib e enc osm es The trim _li conceal the gap at the rear and both shies of Secm e tri m to the sides an d back _li th scre_l s Place the grill into the enc osm e N TE This trim kit is not designed to sl_pport tile _leight ot tile grill Tile grill m l_st be supported t om the bottom Install Elect...
Page 8: ...tall Electrical Outlet for Rotisserie Right Side 6 5 AMP Min 9 1 8 4x4Opening for GasSupply Line OpeningFor AccessDoors 48 wide models Installation in a non combustible enclosure h_ a mm combltstib e masom y enc osm e the _ riH drops im_to the o 0em_iw _ mid ham_gs from its skie tlam_ges A deck is mint required fo sltppo t 10 1 8 penmg for GasSupply Line OpeningFor AccessDoors 48 wide models Insta...
Page 9: ...s in divi d_a sb m off valve must be discom ected ore tile gas supply b_r ng a_ y pressm e testi_ g of the system at test press_res in excess of 2 PS G The grill m_st be isolated fi om the gas s_pp y s stem by closing its indivi bm sb_ t o valve dur _ g m y pressure testing of the system at test press_res equal to or less tbm 1 2 PSI Tbe in sta ati on of tbese grill s m ust con form _ i tb oca cod...
Page 10: per ormed at the installation site Do clot I_se a flame to check _i r gas leaks Do m ot I se the grill m _ti a con n ecti on s h ave been leak tested Repeat leak test after each l P tank cham ge 2beck to be sm e the main live m the LP tan k or the sh i_t o t vn ve i s in th e OFF Make a soap so mion of on e part iq ui d detergent an d oil e part P ater The valve pm e midst be removed to check t...
Page 11: ...back an d f on t of tile grill CORRECT BurnerRests Levelonto Anti FlipBracket Anti Fli Bracket INCORRECT Burneris UpsideDown uld beonTop Check to be slate a bm m ers are hi the correct positiom gm ners s ol_ d rest flat over the ami flip brackets lith stubs on top mid flat side d u 1 beck to be slate that aI grill bm ners are eve mid secm e v seated im the grill box Place olarm et radiam t m top o...
Page 12: ... t _ ithh 4 secol ds t uri_ ki obs to OFF ai d _ air 5 rain utes r the gas to dissipate before tryh g agaim If the b m m_ er does n ot ligh t af er several attempts the bm _ er cm_ be it _ith a match A match stick extension rod is provided o sore e m ode s TO MAF H I I HT In sert a match stick DO N OT I K_HT secm e v into the clip end c4 the match stick extension rod IJgh t the match stick he d c ...
Page 13: ...di eating hi suf ci ell t air turn the air sh utter open to allo_ m ore air to th e b m n er If the flame is m ois and tends to lift relay f om the b m er th ere is too much air Turn the air s mtter to redtlce the opening Side burn ers cm be ac jtlsted in the sam e HI Ill m er Low setting Adjustment Mh or a justments may be required due to fl uct uati oil s in oca gas pressure A justm en ts to ira...
Page 14: ...o the _ ght side slappo_ t_ Rein ore the h m_d e fl om the th x eaded end o_ th e ske_ e_ beflwe lasim_g 36 and 48 Wide Models The motor _i _ est on the cast i_ om_block amid cm_ be tighte_ed agaim_st the gx ill bv tm nim_g the black kl_ob To lase_ place po m_ted end of the skex_ e_ 1_to the motox _ a_d the th_eaded end _esting on the _ ight side s_q0po_ t_ Rein ove the hart d e t om the th _ eade...
Page 15: ... DoubleAccess Doors 18 1 4 The ope im g for double access doors should be 24 1 8 _ide m_d 18 1 4 high DoubleAccess Doors _q _q Place the fl ame into the opening and secure _ith appropriate scre_s o_ a skies as _ Hang the doors on d_e hinges as sho_n r9_ 5 ...
Page 16: ...t 80 444 845 Note Product irnpr _ m_ _ is _ olMlmMg _l_d_ a_ r at _ n_r_l Ekctric ThevH we me t_ rinds _pp__ar_mce md sp_ i_ ic _ti ms m_ subje t to hm_g withom l_oti _ Nm 49 80009 3 No 164D3333P227 ND728 3 03 Monogram 9 bringgoodthingstolifo _ _oRsuil erPlodiJc _ General Electric Conlpany Louisville KY40225 2orb General E eob ic Company 10743 Rev3 ...