ARDAC WACS-2 Specification and Adjustment Manual
44X477 Rev. 8
05/ 16/ 03 4-7
Figure 4-5
“Message Window” screen
STK The stacker is under control of the acceptor.
ESC The acceptor is in escrow mode.
DEB The acceptor is in debug mode.
CON The host will automatically reconfigure the acceptor on receipt of a
request for reconfigure.
POL * The host will periodically poll the acceptor.
INQ * The host will automatically perform an inquire input at a certain time.
A/R The host, when in escrow mode, will automatically accept or reject a
note in for a credit signal was received.
SIM The host is in host simulation mode (as opposed to transparent mode).
ACC:12345678 This shows which notes are acceptable.
9600O81COM1: (9600/O/8/1/COM1) The baud rate, parity, bits per byte, stop bits,
and com port for the serial communications.
2/3 The present value of the system clock (in 1/18 sec) and the time at which
it will time-out waiting for some event.
State = 1 The state of the host simulation.
* The POL and INQ flags in HOST.EXE Version 1.0 have no function and are included for future releases.
Table 4-1
Description of Host Messages