There are three jumpers as shown in Figure 4. These are:
3.1 Sensor Power Voltage
This jumper adjusts the supply voltage to the external sensor. Can
be set as +5 V dc or +10 V dc depending on the sensor used. Factory
Default is +5 V.
3.2 Sensor Termination
This jumper sets the input termination. Can be set
for 10k pull up
resistor (to sensor supply voltage) for NPN type open collector sensors
(factory default) or
for 10k pull down resistor (to Common) for PNP
type open collector sensors or none (remove jumper altogether) high
impedance input for external termination.
3.3 Input Coupling
This jumper sets the input coupling for the external signal. Can be set
(default) for most digital input sources or
for sine wave and
bidirectional sources or sensors that provide negative going pulses.
Once the jumpers have been set, replace the base and the two screws.
All the operational settings of the F2A1X Frequency to Analog Module can
be set remotely using the PM Remote PC Software and the optional User
Programming Cable (UPC). This cable plugs into the unit via the phone jack
socket below the SENSOR INPUT terminal block as shown here and into a
USB port on the PC.
Settings that can be programmed include
input scaling, analog output full scale and
offset, input pulse polarity and update
rate. In addition you can view real-time
data on the PC – refer to the PM Remote
manual and help screen.