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 by / par / von 

st. moritz watch corp.


Dive Watch with Date

Montre etache avec date

Uhr mit Datum

Operating Instructions

& 2/4/6 Warranty Information

Garantie 2/4/6 ans & modes d’emploi

Gebrauchsanleitung und 2/4/6 jahre 




(weekdays, 9am-5pm Pacific Time)

(lun~ven, 9 h-17 h,  heure du pacifique)

Service In Canada:

St. Moritz Service Centre

1140 West 7th Avenue

Vancouver BC V6H 1B4 Canada

Service In The US:

St. Moritz Service Center

264 H Street, Suite D

Blaine WA 98230 USA

For current service centre addresses, 

please check at:

Pour l’adresse du centre de service le plus 

proche, voir:

Die Adresse des nächsten Service-Centre, 

finden Sie unter: 





 Your watch is equipped 

with a screw-down crown system for 
maximum water-resistance. Please refer 
to your warranty / manual for important 
information about this feature.


 Pour assurer une étanchéité 

optimale, votre montre est équipée d’une 
couronne spéciale vissée. On vous prie 
de bien vouloir lire attentivement les 
modes d’emploi, pour bien comprendre 
la mise à l’heure, et l’emploi de la 


 Ihre Uhr ist mit einer 

verschraubten Krone versetzt um 
eine optimale Wasserdichtigkeit zu 
gewährleisten. Bitte lesen Sie vorsichtig 
die Gebrauchsanweisung, um sicher zu 
sein, dass Sie die Einstellung der Zeit 
und Benutzung der verschraubten Krone 
genau verstehen

Please read instructions carefully 
to understand how to operate your 


 watch.  Your model may 

not have all of the features described in 
this booklet.

Veuillez lire attentivement les modes 
d’emploi pour bien comprendre le 
fonctionnement de votre montre 


. Toutes les fonctions 

décrites ne sont pas disponibles sur tous 
les modèles.

Lesen Sie bitte diese Anleitung für 
Ihre Momentum


-Uhr genau durch. 

Es ist möglich, daß Ihr Modell nicht 
alle in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung 
beschriebenen Funktionen aufweist.

T H A N K   Y O U

. . . for your purchase. 

Your new watch has been carefully 

designed to give you years of reliable 
service. It’s design incorporates the latest 
watchmaking technology and a reliable, 
Swiss made 25 jewel automatic (self-
winding) movement.  Please let us know if 

you have any comments or suggestions as 
to how we might improve our products. 


Your watch is equipped with a screw-down, 

locking crown. This screws into the case 
like a submarine hatch, to ensure the most 
reliable possible waterproof seal. To set your 
watch, you must first unscrew the crown 
by turning it counter-clockwise 4-5 turns. 
It can then be pulled gently out from the 
case for setting. After setting or resetting 
the watch always ensure that you screw 
the crown back into the case by pressing it 
firmly into the case; then, applying a gentle 
pressure against the case, turn the crown 
clockwise 4-5 turns until it is snug against 
the case. Always ensure that it turns 
smoothly and is not cross-threaded. Do 
not overtighten! (Finger-tight will ensure 
a good water-proof seal.) If damage to the 
watch occurs due to a failure to screw in 
the crown correctly, such damage cannot 
be covered under warranty.


To set the watch, first unscrew the crown. 

Once unscrewed, the crown will be in the 

“NEUTRAL” (or manual winding) position. It 

can then be pulled out two “stops”. The first 

to run slower. For this reason, we generally 
tune watches to run slightly fast when new; 
they will then gradually slow down. When 
you find your watch is slow and needs to 
be reset too often, it is time to have your 
watch serviced and re-tuned. 
2. SHOCKS: an extreme impact can cause 
timekeeping to become erratic. If this 
happens, send your watch to one of our 
Service Centers.
3. MAGNETISM: do not expose your watch 
to strong magnetic fields (e.g. leave it on 
your television set, which contains a large 
magnet); this can magnetize the movement 
and cause inaccurate timekeeping.


This watch is designed for underwater use. 

Each watch is tested to 300M / 990FT  and 
can be used for any  water-sports, including 
diving and swimming, provided the crown 
is correctly screwed in. Marking regulations 
in some countries do not allow the use of 
the term “waterproof” on watches, even 
on diver’s models. That is why we mark our 
watches as “water-resistant” tested to a 
specific depth-rating.


A selection of alternate bands are available 

to fit your watch: these may include 
natural rubber, polyurethane, various 
styles of high quality leather bands, or a 
matching metal bracelet. If you would like 
to order an alternate band for your watch, 
please contact your dealer, or our Service 
Centre, or visit: www.momentumwatch.


Most of our watches are fitted with a heat-
tempered mineral crystal. Please note 
that while this glass is heat-hardened, an 
impact with a hard or sharp object can 
scratch the crystal, or crack or shatter it.  
If this happens, return the watch to one 
of our Service Centers, where the crystal 
can be replaced for a moderate charge. 
(Scratches and impact damage are not 
covered under warranty.)  A virtually 
scratch proof sapphire crystal is standard 
on all S-Series models and is available at 
extra cost for many other models. Please 
check with our Service Department.


Avoid temperature extremes. Exposing your 

watch to high temperatures, such as placing 
it on the dashboard of a vehicle or use in 
a jacuzzi or hot tub may cause the watch 
to malfunction, shorten battery life, or 
cause deformations of certain components 
leading to mechanical failures. Leaving the 
watch in extreme cold temperatures may 
cause irregular time keeping until the watch 
returns to normal operating temperatures. 
For these reasons, you should remove your 
watch prior to exposure.


Great care has been taken to ensure that 
your watch will give you many years of 

reliable service. It is guaranteed for two 
years against any defect caused by a fault 
in its manufacture*. Please retain your 
purchase receipt as proof of warranty. The 
best possible materials and components 
have gone into your watch. To keep it in 
top condition, please treat it with care and 
have it professionally serviced at regular 

*  Loss  or  damage  caused  by  accident, 

negligence, or opening, repair by 
unauthorized persons is excluded from 
this warranty, as is cosmetic deterioration 
of the case or bracelet caused by wear & 
tear or abuse and damage caused by 
cracked or broken crystals. Moisture 
damage caused by failure to screw in the 
crown correctly is also not covered under 


Please retain your purchase receipt 
for proof of warranty. After the initial 
2-year warranty expires, we recommend 
that you extend your warranty by 
sending your watch to a St. Moritz / 


 Service Centre for a Full 

Service*. This is a chargeable service 
which includes: battery replacement, 
cleaning, lubrication, and accuracy tuning 
of the movement as required, lubrication 
or replacement of all seals, pressure 
testing to original specification, return 
shipping and insurance, and a 2 year 
warranty extension.  After 4 years, send 
it in for another Full Service and extend 
the warranty for a final two years (for a 
total of 6 years from original purchase 
date).  Nobody knows your watch like we 
do! Expert technicians, original parts and 
the latest equipment will ensure that your 
watch is serviced right. To check current 
Full Service pricing please visit our 
website at:

* Full Service Packages include a extension 

of the original warranty, for as long as 
parts are available. Please note however 
that a Full Service for older, discontinued 
models may not include an extension of 
the warranty, if original parts are in limited 
supply or unavailable. Please check with 
our Customer Service Department for to 
confirm whether any non-current models 
qualify for the extended warranty.

return it to the appropriate SMWC Service 
Centre  as  shown  in  this  manual.      Our 
Service Centres can provide repairs, 
service, and replacement bands, promptly 
and at reasonable prices.  For the most 
current Service Centre addresses and 
to download the Service and Repair 
form, please visit our website at: www. 



(Weekdays, 9am-5pm Pacific time)

position is the DATE QUICK SET position, 
and the second position (fully out) is the 

TIME SETTING position.

To set the date, pull the crown out one stop, 

to the DATE QUICK SET position. Turn the 
crown clockwise until the date in the date 
window shows yesterday’s date. Then, pull 
the crown out one more stop to the TIME 
SETTING position and turn the hands 
forward until the date in the date window 
changes to the current date. Keep turning 
the hands forward until you reach the 
correct time. Once the time is set, press in 
and screw down the crown. NOTE: If you set 
the watch after 12 o’clock noon, make sure 
you turn the hands around the dial and past 
12 o’clock (noon) to set the PM time. If you 
do not do this, the date will change at noon, 
instead of midnight.


Your watch uses a mechanical movement, 

with no batteries. It is “powered” by a 
spring, which needs to be wound regularly. 
Provided you wear your watch, the regular 
motion of your wrist will cause a rotor in 
the back of the movement to spin, thereby 
winding your watch. When fully wound, 
your watch will run for approximately 35 
hours without winding. If you do not wear 
your watch for a longer period, it will stop: 

You must give it a good shake to spin the 

automatic rotor and start the watch. You 
can also unscrew the crown, then give 
it several turns in the neutral position 
to manually wind the watch and start it 
running. Once the second hand is running, 
set the time and date, then press in and 
screw down the crown firmly.


Your watch is equipped with a rotating 

bezel. This is the ring around the outside 
of the watch face, which gives you a simple 
and legible way to track bottom-time on a 
dive, or any elapsed time. Simply turn the 
bezel so that the arrow marker is opposite 
the minute hand. The minute hand will 
move forward. You can then read the time 
elapsed since you set the bezel, by looking 
where the minute hand points on the bezel. 
While the intended use of this is for diving, 
it can also be useful reminder for everyday 
timing. (e.g. remembering elapsed time 
on a parking meter!) Also note that, for 
safety reasons, the bezel rotates counter-
clockwise only! If you set the bezel for a 
dive, then knock it accidentally, this will 
only show a greater than actual bottom 
time, so you will never underestimate your 
bottom time.


1. ACCURACY: specially made in Switzerland,  
your watch contains the finest quality, 25 
jewel automatic movement. While not as 
precise as a quartz watch, it should be 
accurate to approximately 3-5 minutes 
per month when new. The movement is 
carefully oiled and tuned; over time, the oil 
will dry out and thicken, causing your watch 


