Dura+ User Manual
© 2020 Mold-Masters (2007) Limited. All Rights Reserved.
5.4 Thermocouple Installation for 01 Nozzle
Ensure the terminal end of the thermocouple stays fully engaged in the slot
while bending the thermocouple at the nozzle flange area.
1. Clean the thermocouple bore in the nozzle. For 2 mm thermocouples we
suggest using a 2.1 mm drill in a pin vise.
Insert the thermocouple through the flange bore.
3. Manually bend the thermocouple tip against your thumb to approximately
a 90° angle, ensuring bend length is sufficient to reach the bottom of the
thermocouple bore.
4. Press thermocouple carefully alongside nozzle body and install retaining
clip(s). Check parts list for recommended number of clips for the nozzle
type. Check that the thermocouple fits into the recess of the clip.