Operating Instructions
100 cc
7 bhp
2,9 kg
2 Blade Menz S:
26x 8/ 26x10/
3 Blade Menz S:
26x 8
Oil Mix 1 part Moto-X Sythetic to 50 parts
unleaded normal petrol
Moki 100 BVT is a 4 stroke petrol motor with an incomparable power to size and
weight ratio. The motor has been developed to produce maximum power at relatively
low rpm with high torque characteristics. It includes a state-of-the-art computerised
electronic ignition system and runs on environmentally friendly unleaded petrol.
The mixture is delivered by a pumped carburettor to the crankcase of the motor, and
then from here via an induction tube to the cylinders. This method gives an excellent
lubrication of all moving parts. The pressure pulse to drive the carb pump is made by
an integrated pump in the front of the crankcase, connected to the carb by an
external silicone tube.
The ignition system should be mounted separate from the motor in a convenient
place and shock protected. The ignition pack controls the firing sequence, the
advance curve as well as an ignition cut-off, to stop the motor overspeeding and
creating noise problems. Furthermore, data is recorded to act as a service
record, such as the motor number, hours of operation and revs used.
Setting up:
Each motor is run for a short period at the factory, valve and carb settings are
checked. A test report of findings is included with each engine.
he valve clearance is set at 0.05-0.08mm, (5-8 thou)
using feeler gauges, set with
both valves closed
between rocker pad and pushrod. Ensure the valves are closed
by turning prop ( ingnition off ) until the cylinder has reached Top Dead Centre (TDC)
and both valves are fully shut. Please take care that correct valve clearance is
maintained at all times, because burning and overheating of the valves seats will
occur if the engine is run with valves that cannot fully close.
The valve gear is laid-out so that when the motor is warm, the valve clearance will
increase, therefore check clearances cold. Take care not to put any side load on the
pushrods during handling as they will bend and cannot be straightened.
Lubricate valve gear with light machine oil before each days flying.