Fluid Coil installation, operation
and MaintenanCe
InstallatIon, operatIon and MaIntenance GuIde
Guidelines for the installation, operation and maintenance
of the Heatcraft brand of fluid cooling and heating coils
manufactured by Modine in Grenada, MS have been pro-
vided to help insure proper performance of the coils and
their longevity. These are general guidelines that may have
to be tailored to meet the specific requirements of any one
job. As always, a qualified party or individual should per-
form the installation and maintenance of any coil. Protec-
tive equipment such as safety glasses, steel toe boots and
gloves are recommended during the installation and routine
maintenance of the coil.
receIVInG InstructIons
All Heatcraft coils are factory tested, inspected and carefully
Damage to the coils can occur after they have left the factory.
Therefore, the coils should be inspected for shipping dam-
age upon receipt. The freight bill should also be checked
against items received for complete delivery. Damaged and/
or missing items should be noted on the carrier’s freight bill
and signed by the driver.
For additional assistance, contact your local Modine coil