M25M Camera Manual: Operating the Camera
© MOBOTIX AG • Security-Vision-Systems • Made in Germany
www.mobotix.com • [email protected]
3.3.2 Full Image Recording
It is possible to record a
full image
, regardless of the live image stream that is being
displayed. This ensures that the recording always contains the full image of the lens used,
even though the operator may have used the vPTZ features to zoom into the image in
order to examine a specific detail.
This means that you can use the vPTZ features in VGA resolution to pan, tilt and zoom in
the live image while the camera is, for example, recording full images at 1 fps in MEGA
or 5MP resolution.
, the recorded full images may be prepared for the user
with the vPTZ functions (for example, panning and zooming in on an image detail such
as a doorway).
full image recording is not activated
, only the last displayed live image will be saved
(save what is seen). The
main benefit
of live image storage is to ensure that the full power
of the camera processor is used for live image correction and maximum frame rates. The
main advantage of full image recording
lies in the special functionality of the D14D, in
that it can always ensure the availability of a maximum size (full) image for later searches,
despite vPTZ actions carried out on the live image. The mechanical limitations of motor-driven
PTZ cameras mean that they simply
provide this unique advantage to the user!
Post-event search in the full image:
If you are using Full Image Recording on D14D
cameras, you should use at least MEGA resolution when storing. This will facilitate later
searches in
. The advanced distortion correction features
require this function to deliver satisfactory image quality.
Full image recording on:
Due to the increased processing time, full image recording
reduces the data rate of the live image stream, which may drop by around 10 to 30
percent. We therefore recommend reducing the frame rate for storage as much as
possible to affect the live image stream as little as possible.
Full image recording off:
The event that triggered a video motion (VideoMotion VM)
window may not be in the recorded sequences while the window was not displayed
at the time.
Stored full image:
Original camera image
without distortion or
image correction
Live image
Stored Full Image
Analysis in stored full image