Mounting Instructions
– User Manual
Page 13 of 16
New data can be inserted by pressing the related box:
Frequency (Freq): enter the frequency of the new
transponder and add two zeros (see figure) with the
numeric keys
Symbol rate (Baud): enter the data of the new transponder
and add three zeros (see figure) with the numeric keys
FEC, polarization, transmission standard: insert new data
Insert new satellites (max 4):
in addition to the 16 satellite included in the list it is possible to
insert 4 new satellites, in position Satellite1, 2, 3, 4. This setting can be used if the system is
used for reception of satellites not included in the factory list.
2.5 Manual pointing (cross-polarization
“SKEW” setting)
Thanks to the new advanced technologies, the area where it’s possible to receive correctly a
satellite signal is increasing more and more. All Europe dedicated TV satellites obviously point
their signals over Central Europe. When the receiver
– your caravan – is outside this area, the
antenna looks at the satellite by side, from a certain “angle”. This effect is called “skew” or
"polarization” and affects the receivers located in several countries: Portugal, South Spain,
Morocco, Greece, Turkey and Canary Islands
Normally the satellite system is able to compensate this effect without problems, but in some
cases a manual LNB re-positioning is needed; in practical terms, the LNB must be rotated by
some degrees.
In the following table are displayed the necessary corrections of the SKEW effect, for some
European countries (approximated values)
Astra I
South Spain
Morocco, Gibilterra
Canary Islands
Turkey, West Russia
Other countries
For positive values it is necessary to rotate the LNB CLOCKWISE, usin
g the “zero” indication on
the LNB support as reference. For negative values the arm must be rotated
COUNTERCLOCKWISE. As displayed in the following pictures, to perform this operation
unscrew with an 3mm Allen wrench the two screws that fix LNB and rotate the LNB until the
desired value is displayed in the hollow of the upper plate.
Pay attention to the fact that corrections of less than 10° does not necessarily have to be carried
out, if reception is good.
For manual positioning of the dish it is necessary that the satellite receiver and the TV are turned
on, in order to assess the correct positioning of the dish itself and to try to get the maximum
signal strength.