110 / 124
9600 Bit/s, 8 data bits, none, 1 stop bit, the telegram has 20 characters.
Transmission time for the entire telegram:
20 x 1.04 ms = 20.8 ms
Name of the telegram file
The telegram file name is limited to 8 characters and its extension has to be TEL, Tel
or tel, e.g. IF482Std.tel.
Syntax of the telegram configuration file
;telegram type also !CTC or !MTS possible
;-- Start of the file (always on the first line) ------------------------
;-- Output string ---------------------------------------------------
; the output string has a similar format to the print command in the
; programming language 'C'.
; !TS! - String with format information
; !TV! – Variables list in output sequence
; The formats and variables available can be seen below:
!TS!"........%d....%d..." ;String with Format information
!TV!var1,var2,.. ;Variables list
;-- Control and special characters
; " -> String beginning/end
; \" -> "
; \xFE -> h'FE (Byte binary)
; \\ -> \
; \n -> new line <CR> <LF> (h'0D h'0A)
; %% -> %
; %... -> Format information (see below)
;-- Possible formats:
;%dn ascii-dez where n=1/2/3/4 (number of decimal points, max. 3 places received)
; e.g. variable value d'40 => 40 @ n=2
; => 040 @ n=3
;%X ascii-hex
; e.g. variable value d'40 => 28
;%c char (binary)
; e.g. variable value d'40 => h'28
;%s string (always up to,(comma) see text tables
; e.g. string Jan, => Jan
;%b hex-output of an asciihex-string (always up to(comma)see
; text tables
; e.g. string 120A, => h'12 h'0A
;-- Possible variables:
;Name: Description: Range: Format:
;MSE (Millisecond) (0..999) 1W
;HSE (Hundredth of a second) (0..99) 1B
;ZSE (Tenth of a second) (0..9) 1B
;SEK (Second) (0..59) 1B
;MIN (Minute) (0..59) 1B
;STD (12h or 24h format) (0..12)
; or(0..24) 1B (see !PM!)
;JAR (Year) (0..99) 1W
; or (1990..2089)