MLB-G3001 Terminal User Guide
Rev 1.1
5.7.2 AT^SISS Internet Service Setup
< srvProfileId >
Internet service profile identifier.
The <srvProfileId> is used to reference all parameters related to the same service profile. Furthermore,
when using the AT commands AT^SISO, AT^SISR, AT^SISW, AT^SIST, AT^SISH and AT^SISC the
<srvProfileId> is needed to select a specific service profile.
< srvParmTag >
Internet service profile parameter.
Type of Internet service to be configured with consecutive usage of AT^SISS.
For supported values of <srvParmValue> refer to <srvParmValue-srv-Type>.
User name string for FTP, HTTP, SMTP authentication.
Parameter is optional: The user name can be set by <srvParmTag> parameter "user" or
as part of "address" parameter.
For HTTP only simple authentication is supported. Length: 32 octects
Password string for FTP, HTTP, SMTP authentication.
Parameter is optional: The password can be set by <srvParmTag> parameter
"password" or as part of "address" parameter. Length: 32 octects
Internet connection profile to be used, for details refer AT^SICS.
String value containing the URL for the specific service:
1. Non-transparent Socket
- TCP client URL
- TCP server URL