MKS Instruments UK Ltd
V2000-C/E Hardware Manual – SP102005.102 March 2013
Connecting to the Process Tool
The V2000C/E system uses an integral Baratron
manometer at its inlet to sense the tool chamber pressure to
permit safe and automatic operation of the inlet sampling valves.
Two pressure set-points are established by software settings within the Interface Module to convert the pressure
signal(s) into high/low signals for the vac
uum “Status” inputs of the RVC2. No electrical connections to the tool
are required to determine its vacuum state. The set-points are adjusted at the factory to match the inlet
configuration and its internal orifice sizes and require no field adjustment.
Only periodic inlet gauge re-zeroing is recommended.
Mains power
There is a single mains power connection to the Vision 2000C/E which is made to the RVC2. Connect the mains
power cable to a suitable single-phase supply:
100/120 Volts AC 50/60 Hz 15 Amps
220/240 Volts AC 50/60 Hz 13 Amps
Computer connection
Vision 2000C/E systems are used in conjunction with MKS Instruments Process Eye Professional software
running on a PC. If a PC has been supplied as part of the system, the software will have been installed onto the
hard drive and will have been fully tested as part of the complete Vision 2000C/E system.
There is one Ethernet connector at the rack-end of the loom into which you should connect, via an STP patch
lead to the Ethernet Port of the host PC.
The PC, its monitor and any accessories (e.g., printer) will need their own mains power supply connection.
These are not provided directly from the Vision 2000C/E system.
If you are supplying your own PC, install Process Eye Professional by following the instructions in the relevant
You are now ready to power up the system. Please read the next section of this manual carefully before
you do.
Warning, exposed metal surfaces reach high temperatures during bake-out. Allow an adequate
cooling down period before handling