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10.13 Constants
10.13.1 Decimal constant (K)
10.13 Constants
10.13.1 Decimal constant (K)
(1) Definition
Decimal constants are devices that designate decimal data in sequence programs.
Specify it as K
(example: K1234) in a sequence program.
It is stored in binary (BIN) into the CPU module. (
(2) Designation range
The designation ranges for decimal constants are as follows:
• For word data (16 bits) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• K-32768 to 32767
• For 2-word data (32 bits)••••••••••••••••••••••• K-2147483648 to 2147483647
The most significant bit is a sign bit.
10.13.2 Hexadecimal constant (H)
(1) Definition
Hexadecimal constants are devices which designate hexadecimal or BCD data in
sequence programs.
(For BCD data designations, 0 to 9 digit designations are used.)
Hexadecimal constants are designated as "H
" settings (e.g. H1234).
(2) Designation range
The setting ranges for hexadecimal constants are as follows:
• For word data (16 bits) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• H0 to FFFF
(H0 to 9999 for BCD)
• For 2-word data (32 bits)••••••••••••••••••••••• H0 to FFFFFFFF
(H0 to 99999999 for BCD)