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10.6 Index Register(Z) / Standard Device Resister(Z)
10.6.2 Standard device register (Z)
(b) When index register is used for 32-bit instruction
If the index registers are used for 32-bit instructions, the data is stored in registers
Zn and Zn +1.
The lower 16 bits of data are stored in the index register No. (Zn) designated in
the sequence program, and the upper 16 bits of data are stored in the designated
index register No. + 1.
For example, if register Z2 is designated in the DMOV instruction, the lower 16
bits are stored in Z2, and the upper 16 bits are stored at Z3.
Refer to the following manual for indexing using the index register.
QCPU (Q Mode)/QnACPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions)
10.6.2 Standard device register (Z)
(1) Definition
The Universal model QCPU can perform operation at the faster speed if the index
register is used between the register operations.
The index register used in this case is called General-purpose operation resistor.
(2) Device number
The standard device register is the same device as the index register.
When performing indexing, pay attention not to use the same device number as the
standard device register.
The operation speed can be higher only for the Universal model QCPU.
This effect cannot be expected in the Basic model QCPU, High Performance
model QCPU, Process CPU or Redundant CPU.
For the processing time when using the standard device register, refer to the
following manual.
QCPU (Q Mode)/QnACPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions)
Figure 10.59 Data transfer by 32-bit instruction and storage destination
D0 Z2
Processing object: Z2, Z3
Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits