Mitsubishi Mirage 1990 General Information And Maintenance Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Mirage 1990


Page 2: are3 commonmistakesin mechanical work 1 Incorrectorderofassembly disassemblyor adjustment Whentakingsomethingapartor putting it together performingstepsinthewrongorderusu allyjustcostsyouextratim...

Page 3: ...areseveral O Acontainer fordraining oilandother fluids l Rags forwiping uptheinevitable mess pi 1 others thatarenotabsolutely necessary buthandy to have around These include OilDry oranequiva lentoila...

Page 4: ...g tool Normally theuseofspecial factory toolsis avoided forrepair procedures since these arenot readily available forthedo it yourself mechanic When itispossible toperform thejobwithmore commonly avai...

Page 5: ...ool cansnapwhenyouleastexpectit causinginjuries Attheveryleast you llruina goodscrewdriver Don tuseanemergency jack thatlittleratchet scissors or pantograph jacksuppliedwiththevehi cle foranythingothe...

Page 6: ...threedistinctareas thehead thebearing surfaceandtheclampload About50 percentofthe measured torqueis usedin overcomingbearingfric tion This isthefrictionbetween thebearingsurface ofthebolthead screwhea...

Page 7: ...hdriver will havetheleastef fectonthetorquereading Avoidanyexten sionthataltersthe lengthofthewrenchfrom thehandleto thehead drivingpoint suchas a crow sfoot U jointor wobbleextensions cangreatlyaffec...

Page 8: ...ure psi in Hg kPa ormmHg In most cases westrive toprovide theproper measure ment asdetermined bythemanufacturers engineers Though insome cases thatvalue maynotbecon veniently measured withwhatisavaila...

Page 9: ...3 OL SOHC orDOHC engine l 6G74 3 5LDOHC engine Avehicle safety certification labelisattached to thefaceoftheleftdoorpillarpost Thislabelindi cates themonth andyearofmanufacture Gross Ve hicleWeight Ra...

Page 10: ...8 Distributorcapandrotor 3 Powersteeringreservoir 9 Fuelfilter underair inlettube 4 Oilfill cap 10 Airfilter housing 5 Brakemastercylinderreservoir 11 Engine compartment fusebox 6 Sparkplugandplugwire...

Page 11: ...tment fusebox 4 Airfilter housing 5 Clutchfluid reservoir 6 Brakemastercylinderreservoir 7 Sparkplugandplugwire 8 PCVvalve 9 Engine oil fill cap 10 Fuelfilter 11 Engine compartment relaycenter 12 Wash...

Page 12: ...INE SPECIFICATIONS Fuel Net Net Com Oil Displacement Engine Engine No of System Horsepower Torque rpm Bore x Stroke pression Pressure MFI Mult wt fuel mfectw MFI T Multlporl fuel mfectlon turbocharged...

Page 13: ...rinlet tube 13 Plug theconnector intotheMAF sensor 14 Attach theaircleaner housing retaining clips 15 Connect thenegative battery cable 2 DLTurbocharged Engine b SeeFigure42 1 Disconnect thenegative b...

Page 14: ...ual onthebottom ofthefilter Separate theflarenutcon nection fromthefilter Ifequipped remove anddis cardthegaskets 6 Remove themounting boltsandremove a r I I the ruer rrrter IInecessary remove meruer...

Page 15: ...ctivatea batterycell Batteriesinvehicleswhicharenotoperatedona regularbasiscanfallvictim to parasiticloads small BA ITERY FLUID Checkthebatteryelectrolytelevelat leastoncea month or moreoftenin hotwea...

Page 16: ...mgtneposrtro Batteryelectrolytecontainssulfuricacid If youshouldsplashanyonyourskinor inyour eyes flushtheaffectedareawith plentyof clearwater If it landsinyoureyes getmed ical helpimmediately Theflui...

Page 17: ...amps andterminals areclean reinstall 1 5L 1 6 ALTERNA TORBE1 T e SeeFigures67 68 and69 1 Loosen thealternator support nut 2 Loosen theadjuster lockbolt 3 Rotate theadjuster boltcounter clockwise to re...

Page 18: ...thepower steering pump drivebelt Toinstall 1 7 install theDower steerina oumu r r v hp 8 Insert anextension bar eoufvaik t f id he opening attheendofthetension pulley bracket and pivotthepulley toappl...

Page 19: ...t thebeltforpremature parting severe cracks ormissing teeth Also anac cess plugisprovided intheupper portion ofthetim ingcover sothatcamshaft timing canbechecked without cover removal Iftiming isfound...

Page 20: ...e engine untilnormal operating temperature isreached allowing thesystem tonaturally pressurize then check forleaks If youarecheckingfor leakswith thesystem at normaloperatingtemperature BEEX TREMELY C...

Page 21: ...b forchoosing thecorrect operation pluggapincreases about 0 001 in leltothetioofthecenter electrode Thedistance be heat range when picking aspark plugis ifmost of 0 025mrn forevery 2 500 miles 4 000 k...

Page 22: ...heck andadjust thespark pluggap When using agauge theproper sizeshould pass between theelectrodes withaslight drag Thenextlarger sizeshould notbeabletopass whilethenextsmaller sizeshould pass freely 9...

Page 23: ...4 Starting withthelongest wire disconnect the spark plugwirefromthespark plugandthen from thecoilpack ordistributor cap Toinstall 5 Ifreplacing thespark plugwires match theolc wirewithanappropriately...

Page 24: ...air fuel mixture inthecylinder willbe ignited bythespark plugjustasthepiston passes I 1 COMBUSTION ENDS 23 ATDC SPEED INCREASES 9ir 1 6 Fig 111Advancingthe ignition timing CCURS COMBUSTION DC ENDS 23...

Page 25: ...takecarenotto getthetiminglight wires tangledin thetanbladesand ordrive belts INSPECTION ADJUSTMENT 1990 96Models e SeeFigures113thru 119 1 Settheparkingbrake startandruntheengine untilnormaloperating...

Page 26: ...urnthecrankshaft clock wise1turnto bringNo 4 to TDCon itscompression stroke WithNo 4 onTDC compressionstroke checkNo 2 exhaustandintake andNo 4 intakeand exhaust Clearance is asfollows 1990 92 1 5Leng...

Page 27: ...thisunitclean andinproper physical shape l While itisillegaltoservice anA Csystem without theproper equipment thehome mechanic ti SeeFigure122 it is recommended thattheA Csvstembe servicedbyanEPASect...

Page 28: ...inhoses andlines Check the system forleaks l Make surethedrivebeltisproperly tensioned When theairconditioning isoperating make surethe drivebeltisfreeofnoise orslippage l Make suretheblower motor ope...

Page 29: ...ximum tirelife Faststarts sudden stops andhardcornering arehardontiresandwill shorten theiruseful lifespan Make surethatyou don toverload thevehicle orrunwithincorrect pressure inthetires Bothofthese...

Page 30: ...should beto usethesame typeoftirethatthemanufacturer rec ommends When radial tiresareused tiresizes andwheel di ameters should beselected tomaintain ground clear anteandtireloadcaoacitv eauivalent tot...

Page 31: 13mm wide smoothbandsacrossthebrewhenV in 1 5mm of treadremains Theappearance oftreadwearindica torsmeansthatthetiresshouldbereplaced Infact manystateshavelawsprohibitingtheuseoftires with lessthan...

Page 32: ...rhesitation when theenoine iscold itmavbe caused bylowvolatility fuel Ifthisoccurs iryadif ferent grade orbrand offuel OPERATION 1 FOREIGN COUNTRIES lccS1235 Fig 148 lookfor the API oil identification...

Page 33: ...Before youcrawlunder thevehicle take alook atwhere youwillbeworking andgather allthenec essary tools such asafewwrenches oraratchet and stripofsockets thedrainpan some clean rags and iftheoilfilteris...

Page 34: ...ha ragwrapped around thefilter unscrew thefilterfrom theboss onthesideoftheengine Becareful ofhot oilthatwillrundown thesideofthefilter Make sure thatyourdrainpanisunder thefilterbefore youstart torem...

Page 35: ...e wipeitclean andreinsert it Make sure thedipstick isfullyin serted suitable drain panunder themanual transaxle 3 Remove thefillerplugandthedrainplugand allowtheoiltodrain completely Fig 166Theautomat...

Page 36: ...of the transaxie to the left ofthefluid pan Typicallythe drainplug reauiresa 17mmwrench periodically checkingthe fluid level to makesureyou do not overfill the transaxle pan mountingbolts a 1Omm wrenc...

Page 37: ...e range ofoperation please refer tnetransaxle case You ll beverysorrylaterifyoudo bottomedge of the transfer case filler 1 1Fig 187 Rear axle lubricant applicationI If thedrainedfluld is discolored br...

Page 38: ...avshould beavisualinsnection Durina mum pressure rating Topressure testthesystem 7 1sl I ly lsJa IJ Wll IJU Ifathefluidlevelof stantly low thechance cause arupture inaI h n n nrrrn nnA I FLUID RECOMME...

Page 39: ...leak Iftheoil mlessit is contaminatedor isseveralyears 6 Ifnosignsofaleak arenoticed visually pres surize thesystem tothemaximum pressure rating of thesystem andleave theuressure tester connected flsr...

Page 40: ..._ I 5 Drain thecooling system completely 6 Close thepetcock 7 Remove thedrainpan Ifnecessary install thesplash shield under the 8 L l venicie 9 Lower thevehicle 10 Determine thecapacity ofthecooling s...

Page 41: ...fluidinthesystems useaquality brake fluidconforming toDOT 3speci fications fromansealed container Never reuse old brake fluid LEVELCHECK b SeeFigures212 213 and214 1 Wipe theclutch master cylinder res...

Page 42: ...tarremover or kerosene after thecarhasbeen washed l Astiff bristle brush andlukewarm soapy water canbeused toclean thewiperblades Frequent cleaning improves visibilitywhen using thewipers considerably...

Page 43: dry l Protectdrsassembled bearingsfrom rustand dirt Coverthemup l Useclean lint freeragstowipethebearings l Keepthebearingsinoil proof paperwhenthey areto bestoredor arenotin use l Cleantheinsideo...

Page 44: ...d for towing the bumper wrll bedamyd In addrtron II trng of the rear wheels causes the or1to flow forward and may result in heat damage to the rear bushing of the transfer and so should never be done...

Page 45: ...nient wayofjacking istheuseofa garage orfloorjack Youmay usethefloorjackto raise thefrontofthevehicle byplacing itunder the frontsubframe Therearofthevehicle ismost easily raised byusing theliftpoints...

Page 46: ...62 5 90 97 5 J J J 4 J J 4 4 4 J J J 4 4 J J J J 4 TO BE Ball loints steering linkage S I J J J seals Dnve belt s S I 4 4 J Fvha rt cvctom I J J J LmI w YL Fuel hoses Manual transaxle oil Galant conne...

