3Explanation of operation methods
Jog Feed (Overview)
3.2.6 3-axis XYZ jog
Adjusts the X, Y, and Z axis coordinates along the direction of the robot coordinate system in the same way
as in XYZ jog feed. The J4, J5 and J6 axes perform the same operation as in JOINT jog feed, but the pos-
ture changes in order to maintain the position of the control point (X, Y and Z values).
The X, Y, and Z axis coordinates are adjusted in mm units. The J4, J5, and J6 axis coordinates are adjusted
in angle units.
3.2.7 CYLNDER jog
Adjusting the X-axis coordinate moves the hand in the radial direction away from the robot's origin. Adjust-
ing the Y-axis coordinate rotates the arm around the J1 axis. Adjusting the Z-axis coordinate moves the
hand in the Z direction of the robot coordinate system. Adjusting coordinates of the A, B, and C axes moves
the hand in the same way as in XYZ jog feed.
The X and Z axis coordinates are adjusted in mm units. The Y, A, B, and C axis coordinates are adjusted in
angle units.
+X +A