Detailed explanation of Robot Status Variable
Set the acceleration/deceleration time distribution rate of the specified axis when optimum acceleration/
deceleration control is enabled (Oadl ON). Since it can be set for each axis, it is possible to reduce the
motor load of an axis with a high load. Also, unlike a method that sets all axes uniformity, such as Ovrd, Spd
and Accel instructions, the effect on the tact time can be minimized as much as possible. The initial value is
the setting value of the JADL parameter.
This status variable can only be used in certain models (Refer to "[Available robot type]".).
<Axis Number>
1 to 8, Specifies the axis number.
<Numeric Variable>
Specify the ratio for the standard acceleration/deceleration time, between 1
and 100. The unit is %. The initial value is the value of the optimum accelera-
tion/deceleration adjustment rate parameter (JADL).
[Reference Program]
1 Accel 100,50
' Set the overall acceleration/deceleration distribution rate to 50%.
2 If M_LdFact(2)>90 Then
' If the load rate of the J2 axis exceeds 90%,
3 M?SetAdl(2)=70
' set the acceleration/deceleration time distribution rate of the J2
axis to 70%.
4 EndIf
' Acceleration 70% (= 100% x 70%), deceleration 35% (= 50% x
5 Mov P1
6 Mov P2
7 M_SetAdl(2)=100
' Return the acceleration/deceleration time distribution rate of the
J2 axis to 100%.
8 Mov P3
' Acceleration 100%, deceleration 50%
9 Accel 100,100
' Return the overall deceleration distribution rate to 100%.
10 Mov P4
(1) The acceleration/deceleration time distribution rate when optimum acceleration/deceleration is enabled
can be set in units of axes. If 100% is specified, the acceleration/deceleration time becomes the short-
(2) Using this status variable, the acceleration/deceleration time can be set so as to reduce the load on axes
where overload and overheat errors occur.
(3) The setting of this status variable is applied to both the acceleration time and deceleration time.
(4) When this status variable is used together with an Accel instruction, the specification of the acceleration/
deceleration distribution rate of the Accel instruction is also applied to the acceleration/deceleration
time calculated using the optimum acceleration/deceleration speed.
(5) With the Accel instruction, the acceleration/deceleration time changes at the specified rate. Because this
status variable is set independently for each axis and also the acceleration/deceleration time that takes
account of the motor load is calculated, the change in the acceleration/deceleration time may show a
slightly different value than the specified rate.
[Available robot type]
Example)M_SetAdl(<Axis Number>)=<Numeric Variable>
RV-6SD/6SDL/12SD/12SDL series