Detailed explanation of Robot Status Variable
Returns information related to acceleration/deceleration time.
M_Acl : Returns the ratio of current acceleration time. (%)
M_DAcl : Returns the ratio of current deceleration time. (%)
M_NAcl : Returns the initial acceleration time value. (100%)
M_NDAcl : Returns the initial deceleration time value. (100%)
M_AclSts : Returns the current acceleration/deceleration status.
(Current status: 0 = Stopped, 1 = Accelerating, 2 = Constant speed, 3 = Decelerating)
<Numeric Variable>
Specifies the numerical variable to assign.
1 to 32, Enter the task slot number. If this argument is omitted, the current slot
will be used as the default.
[Reference Program]
1 M1=M_Acl
' M1 will contain the ratio of acceleration time set for task slot 1.
2 M1=M_DAcl(2)
' M1 will contain the ratio of deceleration time set for task slot 2.
3 M1=M_NAcl
' M1 will contain the ratio of initial acceleration time value set for task slot 1.
4 M1=M_NDAcl(2)
' M1 will contain the ratio of initial deceleration time value set for task slot 2.
5 M1=M_AclSts(3)
' M1 will contain the current acceleration/deceleration status for task slot 3.
(1) The ratio of acceleration/deceleration time is the ration against each robot's maximum acceleration/
deceleration time (initial value). If this value is 50%, the amount of time needed to accelerate/decelerate
is doubled, resulting in slower acceleration/deceleration.
(2) M_NAcl and M_NDAcl always return 100 (%).
(3) This variable only reads the data.
Example) <Numeric Variable>=M_Acl [(<Equation>)]
Example) <Numeric Variable>=M_DAcl [(<Equation>)]
Example) <Numeric Variable>=M_NAcl [(<Equation>)]
Example) <Numeric Variable>=M_NDAcl [(<Equation>)]
Example) <Numeric Variable>=M_AclSts [(<Equation>)]