Explanation of operation methods
Jog Feed (Overview)
3.2 Jog Feed (Overview)
Jog feed refers to a mode of operation in which the position of the robot is adjusted manually. Here, an over-
view of this operation is given, using the vertical multi-joint type robot as an example. The axes are config-
ured differently depending on the type of robot. For each individual type of robot, please refer to separate
manual: "ROBOT ARM SETUP & MAINTENANCE," which provides more detailed explanations.
3.2.1 Types of jog feed
The following five types of jog feed are available
Table 3-1:
Types of jog feed
1) Set the key switch to the [ENABLE] posi-
2) Hold the enable lightly.
3) Press the [SERVO] key. (The servo is
turned on.)
4) Press the [JOG], [F1] key to change to the
JOINT jog mode.
5) Press the key corresponding to each of the
axes from J1 to J6.
In this mode, each of the axes can be adjusted independently.
It is possible to adjust the coordinates of the axes J1 to J6 as
well as the additional axes J7 and J8 independently. Note that
the exact number of axes may be different depending on the
type of robot, however.
The additional axis keys [J1] and [J2] correspond to axes J7
and J8, respectively.
TOOL jog
Perform steps 1) to 3) above.
4) Press the function key to change to the
TOOL jog mode.
5) Press the key corresponding to each of the
axes from X,Y,Z,A,B,C.
The position can be adjusted forward/backward, left/right, or
upward/downward relative to the direction of the hand tip of the
robot (the Tool coordinate system).
The tip moves linearly. The posture can be rotated around the
X, Y, and Z axes of the Tool coordinate system of the hand tip
by pressing the A, B, and C keys, without changing the actual
position of the hand tip. It is necessary to specify the tool length
in advance using the MEXTL parameter.
The Tool coordinate system, in which the hand tip position is
defined, depends on the type of robot. In the case of a vertical
multi-joint type robot, the direction from the mechanical inter-
face plane to the hand tip is +Z.
In the case of a horizontal multi-joint type robot, the upward
direction from the mechanical interface plane is +Z.
XYZ jog
Perform steps 1) to 3) above.
4) Press the function key to change to the
XYZ jog mode.
5) Press the key corresponding to each of the
axes from X,Y,Z,A,B,C.
The axes are adjusted linearly with respect to the robot coordi-
nate system.
The posture rotates around the X, Y, and Z axes of the robot
coordinate system by pressing the A, B, and C keys, without
changing the actual position of the hand tip. It is necessary to
specify the tool length in advance using the MEXTL parameter.
3-axis XYZ jog
Perform steps 1) to 3) above.
4) Press the function key twice to switch to
the 3-axis XYZ jog mode.
5) Press the key corresponding to each of the
axes from X,Y,Z,J4,J5,J6.
The axes are adjusted linearly with respect to the robot coordi-
nate system.
Unlike in the case of XYZ jog, the posture will be the same as
in the case of the J4, J5, and J6 axes JOINT jog feed. While
the position of the hand tip remains fixed, the posture is inter-
polated by X, Y, Z, J4, J5, and J6; i.e., a constant posture is not
maintained. It is necessary to specify the tool length in advance
using the MEXTL parameter.
Perform steps 1) to 3) above.
4) Press the function key twice to switch to
the CYLNDER jog mode.
5) Press the key corresponding to each of the
axes from X,Y,Z,A,B,C.
Use the cylindrical jog when moving the hand in the cylindrical
direction with respect to the robot's origin. Adjusting the X-axis
coordinate moves the hand in the radial direction from the cen-
ter of the robot. Adjusting the Y-axis coordinate moves the
hand in the same way as in JOINT jog feed around the J1 axis.
Adjusting the Z-axis coordinate moves the hand in the Z direc-
tion in the same way as in XYZ jog feed.
Adjusting the coordinates of the A, B, and C axes rotates the
hand in the same way as in XYZ jog feed. They may be valid in
horizontal 4-axis (or 5-axis) RH type robots.
+X +A