Chapter 5 WAN Setup
5.4 The 3G Backup Screen
Use this screen to configure your 3G settings. Click
Network Setting
Broadband > 3G Backup
The actual data rate you obtain varies depending the 3G card you use, the signal strength
to the service provider’s base station, and so on.
ATM QoS Type
(Continuous Bit Rate) to specify fixed (always-on) bandwidth for voice or
data traffic. Select
(Unspecified Bit Rate with Peak Cell Rate) for
applications that are non-time sensitive, such as e-mail. Select
Non Realtime VBR
(Variable Bit Rate-non Real Time) or
Realtime VBR
(Variable Bit Rate-Real Time) for
bursty traffic and bandwidth sharing with other applications.
Peak Cell Rate
Divide the DSL line rate (bps) by 424 (the size of an ATM cell) to find the Peak Cell
Rate (PCR). This sets the maximum rate at which the sender can send cells. Type
the PCR here.
Sustain Cell Rate
The Sustain Cell Rate (SCR) sets the average cell rate (long-term) that can be
transmitted. Type the SCR, which must be less than the PCR. Note the system
default of 0 cells/sec.
Maximum Burst
Maximum Burst Size (MBS) refers to the maximum number of cells that can be sent
at the peak rate. Type the MBS (less than 65535).
PPPoE Passthrough
When using the PPPoE the encapsulation type, select this to enable PPPoE
passthrough. In addition to the Device’s built-in PPPoE client, this allows hosts on
the LAN to use PPPoE client software on their computers to connect to the ISP
through the Device. Each host can have a separate account and a public WAN IP
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) defines the size of the largest packet
allowed on an interface or connection. Enter the MTU in this field.
For ENET ENCAP, the MTU value equals 1500.
For PPPoE, the MTU value equals 1492.
For PPPoA and RFC, the MTU equals 100-1500.
Click this to save your changes.
Click this to restore your previously saved settings.
Table 7
More Connections: Edit: Advanced Setup (continued)