Original Instructions: 001059 DRAFT
to activate, put into action
affected employee
an employee whose job requires him or her to operate or
use a machine or equipment on which servicing or
maintenance is being performed under lockout or tagout, or
whose job requires him or her to work in an area in which
such servicing or maintenance is being performed
aisle pad
a type of jigging used when a connector plate needs to be
embedded where the table surface gives way to a walk-
through aisle
the strength of an electric current, expressed in amperes
anchor plate
a steel plate that holds the tables in place; it is anchored to
the concrete floor and the tables are welded to it
authorized employee
a person who locks out or tags out a machine or equipment
in order to perform servicing or maintenance on that
machine or equipment; an affected employee becomes an
authorized employee when that employee’s duties include
performing servicing or maintenance covered under this
a pneumatic system that raises the truss off the tables and
automatically places the truss on the stand-alone conveyors
with the use of a transfer roller
a light that displays one of several colors to represent the
state of the machine
bus bar
an electrical device that allows multiple gantry heads to be
used simultaneously
connector plate
the nail-plate that is embedded into production material to
hold it together
an attribute of a hydraulic cylinder that allows for adjustment
of pressure at the end of a stroke
directional buttons
the 2 black buttons on the pendant control station that tell
the gantry head which direction to move
connected to an energy source or containing residual or
stored energy