ALL external connections are removed before opening the
pedal. To reduce the risk of damage, avoid touching any
other components in the pedal. Do not attempt to use any
power supply with specifications other than those listed in
this manual. Check all cables and power supplies for signs of
damage before use. Do not connect damaged power supplies
or cables. Replace cables or power supplies showing any signs
of damage.
The VM-PRO™ can be powered by an external power supply
in place of the internal 9v battery. The power input is center
pin negative with a 2.1mm connector. The circuit is protected
against reversed polarity to avoid possible damage by
accidentally connecting a center pin positive supply, however,
the pedal will not work unless the correct polarity power is
supplied. The VM-PRO™ supports input power in the range
9VDC – 18VDC.
Do not use a power supply exceeding 18VDC
output. This will invalidate the warranty and may damage the
In most cases a 9VDC supply will be sufficient, but using a
higher input voltage will increase the clean headroom of the
buffer amplifier. If you are using the pedal with a very hot
input such as active pickups, using an increased input voltage
can be used as an alternative or in addition to using the active/
passive switch to avoid distortion.
The reverse is also true; by using a hot input and keeping
the input supply voltage at 9VDC , the pedal can be driven
into slight distortion at maximum volume. This can actually
be preferred in some cases as the pedal can then be utilized
as a mild overdrive. Experiment with different settings to see
what sounds best to you, and meets your particular sonic
The switch block is an internal three-position switch located
in the center of the circuit board and looks similar to the
picture in Figure 1. Further information on the switch settings
and their defaults is available in the VM-PRO™ User Guide.
The impedance is controlled using switch 3 on the internal
switch block. Some effect pedals, in particular vintage fuzz
Congratulations on your purchase of the Mission VM-PRO™
Volume Pedal. We recommend that you take a few moments
to read through the VM-PRO™ User Guide to become familiar
with the basic functions of the VM-PRO™ before proceeding
with this Advanced Configuration Guide.
The Advanced Configuration Guide includes additional
information on the features of the VM-PRO™, as well as some
tips and tricks on customizing it for your particular rig.
In general it is recommended to start with the VM-PRO™ first
in the signal chain with your instrument connected directly to
the input with a good quality cable. This will give the buffer
it’s best opportunity to deal with any mismatches between
the high impedance guitar pickups, and low impedance
devices further down the chain. This is especially important
with low output single coil pickups. When placed at the start
of the chain, the volume pedal will act in a similar fashion
to the volume control on the instrument. Overdriven signals
will clean up when rolling back the volume. Echo repeats
and reverb tails from devices further down the chain will be
preserved when using volume swells.
Alternatively, the VM-PRO™ can be placed at the end of
the signal chain. The last effect on a pedal board should be
plugged into the input and then the output into the amplifier.
In this case the pedal will act more like a master volume
control for the entire pedal board. This placement can also be
useful if using a very long cable run from the pedal board back
to the amp. The VM-PRO™ will act as a line driver preventing
the loss of signal response due to the load of long cable. In
most cases, there should not be any issues with using more
than one buffered device in a single chain, so using the VM-
PRO™ with another buffer present is OK. In general when
using multiple buffers, aiming for one buffer at the beginning
and another as close as possible to the end of the chain will
be a good place to start.
The above recommendations are not exclusive. Experiment
with different placements to determine what works best for
your particular rig.
Do not attempt to remove the baseplate or
change the internal battery while the pedal is connected to
an external power supply and/or amplifier. Make sure that
Volume Pedal
Figure 1.